“The mind is everything. What you think, you become” – Buddha   

Do you know what is true?

Believe what everyone tells you, or only some people?

Perhaps you sense it is more likely to be true when it appears on a device rather than when someone tells you something?

Every minute there is so much information being provided, much of it competing, it is pretty overwhelming. Let alone knowing whether it is true?

Your Beliefs Determine What You Believe

Recent research found people who are vulnerable to believing in conspiracy theories do so because they are scared, longing for connection and overcompensating for feeling “less than” others.

A large part of the reason we do not recognise “the truth” is because our perception of the world is deeply influenced by the filter of our beliefs.

These indicate a religious faith or the feeling of being certain that something is true.

Beliefs originate from what we sense or hear – and keep on hearing from others, ever since we were born and even before!

This means when our thoughts and words indicate we are “not enough”, then we perceive life as being scarce and lacking.

More than that, as detailed in my latest article, our unconscious mind seeks evidence to support the belief, so reinforcing it as a truth.

All of which helps support the widespread collective belief we live in a world of scarcity and lack!

It is our choice whether or not we choose to step beyond the lenses of our conditioning to see and feel the truth. Our beliefs are not static, intellectual concepts, rather they are re-programmable.

Even when we feel stuck emotionally, there is always the potential for change and possible growth.

Once we make the choice to alter such personal beliefs, we then have the ability to feel, see and sense the truth.

How will you know your truth – you will feel it in your physical body! Where exactly is your body´s choice!

Expect Rigid Beliefs To Be Challenged

The latest Message From Source included this guidance:

“At the moment, continue to clear away what is holding you in the past. The more you clear, the easier it will be to make the coming moves. There are a total of six to be made in preparation for the step into the Fifth Dimension. Then it will not be so great a leap each of you will need to make.

My understanding is the six moves are further increases in the vibration here on Mother Earth and in all of Creation. Most will occur during the remainder of 2024.

As the rigid beliefs of the old structures continue to be shaken not stirred, there will be more earthquakes, seismic ones as well as politically and socially.

So, what is consciousness? As each of us is unique, it is our awareness of our thoughts, memories, feelings, sensations and environments. Essentially, consciousness is our awareness of ourselves and the world around us.

The choice for each of us is whether we continue to follow our long-established beliefs or create new ones?

Uncertainty is an essential part of growth as we come to trust our inner wisdom, even when the path is unknown.

My encouragement is to embrace the paradoxes and uncertainties as they continue to rise. One reason to face your fears is so you may discover they are hiding your greatest treasures!

Should you need any assistance, please reply to this post.

My desire is to help all to know and be themselves. So, please DO share this article with others you love and may need some help to move beyond their current beliefs.      

To Altering Your Beliefs        



P.S. Do contact me if you have any questions or I can be of service.

Aka the Shamanic CEO, I am a Creator and International Best-Selling Author. My passion is to guide all to know and be themselves.

To assist you accelerate your life by shifting your beliefs about being the Master Of Your Life, download a copy of my latest book – the “7 Mystical Ways To Accelerate Your Business And Your Life”.

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