Welcome to The Harmonising Times as this new moon in Aries guides us to a new chapter in our lives. One where there is a strong inner desire to walk your truth, own your Light and break free from any restraints of family or social conditioning.

Open Your New Chapter

I know, this may seem totally at odds with the current emphasis on social distancing, isolation and quarantine…

…it is though the ideal moment to look inward to really challenge your inner story.

On 24th March the new moon in Aries rose to usher in new beginnings. Its call to do what you incarnated to do, directing you to turn to your new chapter. No longer to be distracted and restrained by your stories of who you are or believe you are.

Aries as the first sign of the zodiac is saying follow your restless passion to take action. Allow the push you feel to take the leap of faith into a new chapter. Aries is saying this is not the moment to overthink it, unduly question the impulse or dip your toe in to test the waters.

Now is the moment, make the leap a big one, JUST DO IT even when you are uncertain where it will lead.

Surrender to the inspiration and passion rising up during this period of distancing, isolation or quarantine. Release the need to control/dominate what you are feeling. Instead allow the inner knowing of your heart and soul to lead the way.

Then you will learn to depend on yourself. Exuding an aura of strength that comes from personal integrity and confidence.

My own need to allow myself to Be, Share and Serve was reinforced during and after a shamanic ceremony I led on my birthday, 22nd March.

It brought up for all participating a connection to our “wounded healer.” The one in all of us. Our individual healing included feelings of impotence, not being enough or deserving. Replacing it with a strong will and resolve to complete the re-structuring to build and shape our future based on our full potential.

Expect A Roller Coaster Of A Ride

Healing ourselves across all time and space so we could create a new unlimited next phase

…one using all our abilities, gifts and skills. Even as with several recent clients, upgrading those they incarnated with as we are now in a new era. One which was not expected when we incarnated and so the full range of our abilities, gifts and skills was not activated.

We are in the beginning stages of a multi-year challenge. The outcome will depend on the actions each of us takes.

Mars is leading the way as it has just begun a new cycle with Jupiter and Pluto and entered Aquarius and then meets Saturn on the 31st. Mars in Aquarius is a warrior for humanity, fighting for change. However, the conjunction between Mars and Saturn tells us nothing can happen quickly.

We must plan for the long game, watch and wait. More will be achieved by having a careful strategy rather than pushing to turn the pages.

Whilst this will bring some new discoveries, approaches and “solutions” to the current pandemic, these will not resolve it. Be prepared for a roller coaster ride for a while.

Our world in general has been “yang” oriented. Seeking external stimulation, excitement, and distraction that has gone unchecked far beyond the natural cycles of “new, waxing, full, waning, rebirth.”

When such natural cycles are not allowed to “breathe,” more sudden, traumatic, and extreme conditions result. Meaning the adjustment is more disruptive.

Embrace rather than fear that perhaps unknown territory of “Self.” Venturing into our own unconscious fears, needs, desires, and dreams to make the most of these disruptions.

April – Opening Your New Chapter

There is also a longer term issue of the force Governments have assumed to address the pandemic. This is power we have ceded in the belief it is necessary for our own protection. Unfortunately history suggests the state will not give up all the ground it takes—with implications for evolution of the economy and surveillance etc..

My belief is that it will need leaders to emerge to re-take such ground and so personal freedom.

The more you focus on opportunities, the more you liberate your creativity and focus on the potential. Some actions the pandemic may push us into will help us write our new chapter.

In numerology April is an eight universal month. It provides infinite opportunities manifested by taking ownership through our own leadership.

This first requires we merge the physical world of business, commerce and practical action with the spiritual world of creation – the process of manifesting.

2020 is a four year – governing the architecture of our home. April gives us a surge of energy to turn to the new chapter. The abundance it offers is through connecting to others, being part of a community.

Eight governs resources, which includes money. So we will all need a plan to prepare to generate our dreams, including money. Taking action to do so will empower us all to manifest our desires.

4th April 2020 brings the emphasis of a triple 4 – creating order in your home and work. This though requires us first to re-set our relationship with ourselves, our inner voice. Then with Source. The re-set will also alter our relationship with the collective.

The number 2 is about our connection, inspiration and imagination – our creativity.

The Changes Unfold

4th April also brings a conjunction between Jupiter and Pluto. Occurring only approximately every 13 years, in 2020 it happens on three occasions, all under the influence of Capricorn. The next two are in June and November.

Each will offer us an increased capacity to focus and to succeed at what we are most passionate about. The question will be: “What are you aiming to do strategically?

Capricorn is concerned about your business, objectives and soul´s desires. As such it increases your capacity to meet these, including generating resources such as money.

There is also a call to spiritual development, maintaining your personal ethics and values in your business and work as a whole. As such creating a vision of the world that lives in us and US ALONE. This will then guide our own self-development.

The question to ask yourself is: “Are you free of the current cultural notions of success?” It provides a call to succeed through generosity, use of story telling and narrative that feeds everyone.

7th April brings together five planets and the full moon in Libra in a surge of creative energy – the influence will be felt for the next two weeks. The focus will be on creating a new harmony between work and home. Suggesting what started as enforced and temporary, may become the new structure.

Conversations with some entrepreneurs suggest they are already questioning why maintain their existing offices when staff can work as productively from home.

To create harmony though will also require the form of your relationships to be addressed. 

My guidance is to practice patience in the energy surge of these two weeks. Ensure you are physically active and seek out Nature. Use your breath whenever your nervous system needs soothing as you turn the pages to your new chapter.

The Next Pages

The Mars – Uranus square on the 7th is usually associated with serious contrast events – e.g. ruptures and rebellions. Such events drive those involved to defend their individuality, and so recognise their capacity for entrepreneurship.

April´s new moon rises in Taurus on the 22nd. An Earth sign, Taurus sees things from a grounded, practical and realistic perspective. It is a money creation sign. This one will ask you to generate business through your visioning and innovation.

In summary expect a taste of rebellion and grassroots momentum to appear, then more long-term change in December.

April as a whole will provide us with opportunities to create harmony in our lives as we align more closely with our inner knowing. Taking action by planning and laying the groundwork for the transformation we desire. Overcoming our fears and self-depreciating beliefs.

Covid-19 has made us all aware of just how fragile our carefully constructed reality really is.

It is an example of VUCA – Volatility, Uncertainty, Complexity and Ambiguity. Further explanation can be found in this Forbes article by Karen Martin.

And to cope with VUCA? There are a myriad of ideas, though from my experience the best single guideline I can offer is: “don’t try to deal with it alone!”

Remember our thoughts attract our reality.

Your choice is sit and wait for others Or, prepare to emerge again, to write your new chapter.

So, until 30th April, I am offering all entrepreneurs, or would be ones, an opportunity to work with me for free in our 20-minute Skype or Zoom exploration session. Email me at shamanicceo@gmail.com to arrange a meeting.

Ahead of our meeting consider “what do I really want for 2020 and beyond?” “What do we all really want next?”

Some Practices For You

A recent Message From Source provided this guidance on the current moment:

“…The unknown is how many choose to accept the change and be in the flow of their own creation or prefer to stay with what they know. The “old world” which existed at the end of 2019 is no more. Its structure was going to need to change, what is viewed as a pandemic is accelerating what was going to crumble. The only question is the form which emerges.

You are perhaps a quarter of the way into the pivot point. You, Mother Earth and humanity have yet to transit from the old. The attempts to retain the old will not succeed. Only slowly is the new being initiated. The more who vision and then take action to bring into place their vision, the sooner the form of the new world will emerge. This will be the ultimate stage of the pivot point.”

Here is a process you can use to access your insights:

  • Find somewhere which is calm and peaceful;
  • Set your intention to connect to Source;
  • Close your eyes and you just say – Hi, this is what I want to create, this is what I want to do, please help me;
  • Then: please deliver to me the insights I need to turn to my new chapter, the actions I need to undertake to make this happen;
  • Listen and listen and wait for that inspiration to strike you; and
  • Then take the action.

I have often written about the importance of taking care of yourself and providing space for your insights to emerge. To me this requires continuing your own practice or ritual.

Current events make it vital you create space for yourself, before anyone else.

If you pour from an empty cup, not only are you less effective, you will damage your health and your ability to be creative will be difficult.

To help you establish a practice or vary your existing one, here is a suggestion for each day:

  • 15 minutes meditation;
  • 30 minutes exercise, yoga, tai chi etc.;
  • 15 minutes reading;
  • 5 minute hot/cold shower;
  • 30 minutes doing something you really enjoy;
  • Journaling or some other form of writing and expressing your thoughts; and
  • Writing exactly what you want to achieve today.

These do not need to be completed one after the other. Only ensure each is completed every day. Doing so I believe will help you be more productive, creative, happier and effective in what you choose to be.

To The New Chapter In Your Life


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Gregory Reece-Smith, aka the Shamanic CEO, is an author, creator, speaker and shaman. He has worked in corporate and led technology companies worldwide; coaching fledgling organisations to those the size of the international operations of IKEA. He helps conscious entrepreneurs and executives integrate Insights and Inner Guidance with proven practical strategies, freeing them to accelerate their life and so their business. Lifting the beliefs that have limited their lives, growing loyal followers to become raving fans, so they quickly and consistently attract more of their ideal clients. Achieved without compromising their Spirit and values.

To assist you accelerate your life by shifting your beliefs about being the Master Of Your Life, download a copy of my new book – the “7 Mystical Ways To Accelerate Your Business And Your Life”.

More valuable information is here


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