Once you trust you are supported, you arrive at the point where magic happens    

Let me ask you: is there “something else” you would rather do than what you are doing? 

How might you feel?

What is the “why” you are following, that keeps you choosing to repeat the same actions you have always done?

Continually putting off doing what you desire until you have the time, resources and reason to allow yourself to be who you truly are. Always telling yourself “you will focus on that later”!

Only that tomorrow never comes!

Wherever you are, whatever you are doing or searching for – how you choose to show up makes all the difference.

Your Soul is asking you to align your inner truth with the way you appear in the world. Inspire yourself to be you, the real you – now!

Do You Know What You Truly Want In Your Life? 

Before September´s new moon in Virgo rises early next Tuesday the 3rd, Pluto returns to Capricorn.

This signals a final call to transform Capricorn´s themes of hierarchy, authority and accomplishment. Urging us all to align our ambitions with our vision before its final move on 19th November into Aquarius for the next 20 years.

Also on the 1st, Uranus goes retrograde in Taurus – providing an internal focus for us all! Questioning the very horizon you have set for yourself and what you truly want in your life.

It is therefore no surprise the new moon is encouraging you to be detailed and precise with your objectives – questioning “what do you truly want?”

Venus in Libra aspects the North node of Destiny and the South node of Karma suggesting a fork in the road will appear for you to choose which path to take.

One will feel more familiar and comfortable, while the other heads into unknown territory.

Often, when such a moment comes, we receive the vision and hear the call—we often find ourselves filled with doubt, hesitating to take that step.

For at least this past month, almost everyone I have met is in one form or another being challenged about stepping into a new level of existence – being in their true power. 

More is in my article about Tuesday´s new moon.

Have You The Courage To Follow What You Truly Want?  

To take the step requires exercising your courage.

Once you accept you are a Creator being in the flesh, your power to create extends through all of Creation. This is the moment to enjoy the ride, to experience all the evolution that follows.

Knowing it is a two-way flow, all affecting each other when in the flow of what you truly want in your life.

The latest Message From Source included this advice:

“The suggestion is that each of you takes a few moments each day to connect with your physical body and acknowledge the adjustment it is undertaking. This will help improve your conscious connection with yourself and the physical aspect you are inhabiting in this life. For it is here you will feel the adjustment and the adaptation. Which in turn will ensure you remain grounded rather than flying off into the ephemeral realms.”

Suggesting whilst September does not promise a smooth ride, it will shine the light on new possibilities. This is evident in the Cosmos for all the planets are jockeying for position in readiness for what next year and the first half of 2026 will create.

When, a specific date will indicate the beginning of the end of this period of transition.

Should you need any help, please reply to this post.

My desire is to help all to know and be themselves. So, please SHARE this article with others you love and may need help to know what they truly want in their life.                 

To Knowing What You Truly Want In Your Life



P.S. Do contact me if you have any questions or I can be of service.

Aka the Shamanic CEO, I am a Creator and International Best-Selling Author. My passion is to guide all to know and be themselves.

To assist you accelerate your life by shifting your beliefs about being the Master Of Your Life, download a copy of my latest book – the “7 Mystical Ways To Accelerate Your Business And Your Life”.

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