Focus on your vision of where you desire to head

These past few weeks more people have been asking about their direction.

Whether to move to a new timeline, or strengthen the link between the vision they have and that of their Soul.

Then others who have had an enforced re-direction!

In all cases, the realisation has been “we are the ones we have been waiting for” rather than continuing to look for external sources or leaders to direct them-

This Leo New Moon Will Shine Its Light On Old Beliefs     

Instead, choosing to accept we alone are responsible for our lives. So, releasing our innate potential to navigate with confidence the turbulent waters of transition.

By taking responsibility for your life, you cultivate your inner resources, empowering prosperity to be present in your life.

Your inner resources already include awareness of the Fifth Dimension. An apparent paradox because you are meant to go beyond what your mind has in its capacity to understand.

That is, you cannot figure it out!

The quantum leaps come in those moments when we surrender. Though, often it seems we need to be challenged to ensure we do!

Only then will we let go of our attachment to old beliefs to allow in the etheric experiences that go far beyond the physical ones!

Opening the door to becoming what you focus upon – the essence of the much mis-understood Law of Attraction!

Have you noticed the absence of Venus, our morning or evening star?

For about the past 90 days, Venus has been in her underworld phase and so hidden from our sky.

She will fully re-emerge in the western night sky for this new moon in Leo on 4th August.

This new moon is in a degree of harmony and opportunity with both Mars, the planet of passion, and Jupiter, that of luck. Together, they provide a vibrant enthusiasm for work and play.

My article about Sunday´s new moon draws together other cycles connecting the transition to the re-emergence of the Divine Feminine.

Let Go Of Old Beliefs To Create The World You Desire

The Fire sign Leo pushing us to express ourselves and shine our light for all to see as we express our vision.

The latest Message From Source reminded us:

“Remember there will probably be a touch of anxiety as the vision unfolds for you to view. As you sense it, also know this is the direction your Soul is seeking to explore. Which is why it is a neverending journey you are all on!”

Mercury goes retrograde the day after the new moon. On the 14th, she moves from Virgo to Leo. This will heighten the encouragement to see all for who they really are. Mercury goes direct on 28th August.

Before then, the third of 2024´s four supermoons and a Seasonal blue full moon rises on 19th August.

Let go of your doubts, your resistance and limiting old beliefs so you sense what is possible for you and your vision.

You will see them coming to fruition far sooner than you currently believe!

Should you need any help in doing so, please reply to this post.

My desire is to help all to know and be themselves. So, please SHARE this article with others you love and may need help to change their old beliefs.          

To Challenging Your Old Beliefs            



P.S. Do contact me if you have any questions or I can be of service.

Aka the Shamanic CEO, I am a Creator and International Best-Selling Author. My passion is to guide all to know and be themselves.

To assist you accelerate your life by shifting your beliefs about being the Master Of Your Life, download a copy of my latest book – the “7 Mystical Ways To Accelerate Your Business And Your Life”.

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