Blocking yourself from embracing or initiating change, evolution, endings or new beginnings?    

We are on the cusp of entering the new era, though we have no idea what it is we are to build!

Perhaps you have a sense of what is needed, though there is hesitation about making total commitment to what is unknown!

Then there is mis-information and the confusion of trying to figure out what is really going on! Maybe you are worried about what is next and how to prepare….

This Turning Point Will Shed Light On What Is Being Hidden

All of this is normal, even current events!

However, we ARE at a turning point and have been heading toward it since this cycle began! 

Already its current structures and systems no longer serve us, even less so the direction we are heading!

The tensions we are experiencing are symptoms of structures and systems desperate to continue. Hence, why this feels more like the last gasp of the old order than the new one emerging! 

Our choice is to resist our evolution or, we trust the process and surrender.

Afterall, we chose to be on Mother Earth at this moment to gain from the experiences this transition is bringing!

None of which is taught in school or any other means where you could go to learn life skills.

This turning point from the old order is far less about what you have to do and, more about what you have to release!

Pluto is revealing what is in decay and eliminating everything bar the essentials. Conjunct the blue full moon on the 21st, Pluto´s purpose is to shed light on what is hidden and buried, metaphorically and literally.

My article about Sunday´s blue full moon draws together key astrological threads from the various outer planet movements influencing our lives over the next few years.

November´s Play Brings Another Turning Point 

Especially the four acts in the play which opens in November.

The latest Message From Source indicates with regard to current events and our re-action to them:

“These are transitory, the experiences are not. For the moment maintain balance in all your actions and words. The balance will be essential as events unfold, so step away from any judgements. Simply be present.”

In particular, your willingness to receive! So, why not ensure it is included in those experiences you are seeking in this life? They all assist in your Soul´s evolution and so growth!

The key to which is acknowledging you are the creator of your experience. Once you accept that responsibility, the sooner you can take action to change it!

Have you heard the phrase: “once in a blue moon”? This is because blue moons represent something that happens rarely. 

This year August brings the second of two consecutive such full moons – indicating an even stronger dose of the unexpected!

Which reminds me, with major turning points of evolution underway, we all need to act on the importance of slowing down and pacing yourself! 

Doing so and reflecting on your re-actions, will help indicate any imbalances in your life needing to be released.

Should you need any help in doing so, please reply to this post.

My desire is to help all to know and be themselves. So, please SHARE this article with others you love and may need help to step past the turning point.

To Marking Your Turning Point        



P.S. Do contact me if you have any questions or I can be of service.

Aka the Shamanic CEO, I am a Creator and International Best-Selling Author. My passion is to guide all to know and be themselves.

To assist you accelerate your life by shifting your beliefs about being the Master Of Your Life, download a copy of my latest book – the “7 Mystical Ways To Accelerate Your Business And Your Life”.

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