Within ten years or less, nothing will seem the same  

Are you experiencing events are not only moving quickly, they are also changing and transforming and asking for something different from what you thought even a week ago?

Does this make you anxious, or provide you with a sense of freedom?

Either way, to me both the β€œeveryday” as well as non-physical worlds are shifting. 

All we have known in this lifetime is changing and some, if not all, will disappear because those paradigms and structures will no longer be fit for purpose.

At this juncture, we just need to be aware there is a flow underway without knowing what we must do! 

Rather accept the unknown and connect to the Creator and your guides. To be ready for the next step, you need to be in the flow.

           Your Comfort Zone Began Its Creation At Conception

For, there is no pre-determined plan. Instead trust it will appear as you surrender and let go.

Any anxiety you may have over what is to come is really fear about what you have already experienced and know you do not want again! This is your unconscious mind seeking to do its job of keeping you safe by staying in your comfort zone.

Often these beliefs are then repeated in the words we express about ourself – so reinforcing the belief, whether true or not! They also act as filters through which you view your world and form your comfort zone.

Which has been created by your past experiences. Meaning, the beliefs from your past are dictating your future path!

However, once you acknowledge you are the creator of every single experience you have, you appreciate you can alter your comfort zone.

My latest article outlines more on how and why your thoughts and feelings are going to lie to you to keep you safe. This may include denying your spiritual gifts because you could be seen as different!

We all possess such abilities and they are coming more to the fore – once you choose to accept you have them! 

For, whilst your conscious mind believes it is making the decisions, nearly 100% of your actions and thoughts come from your unconscious mind.

Two Ways To Wave Your Magic Wand To Move Beyond Fate

Even though we slip between the conscious and unconscious daily, it seems there is a part of us believing we must figure it out so we understand everything. Only then will it be possible for us to create it!

Consciously you may want to change and have every intention of doing so. However, until you are aware of the unconscious programming behind your decision-making, nothing will shift.

The latest Message From Source included this guidance:

β€œFor now, continue to maintain or start your practice to connect with yourself. The one who has a sense of what is unfolding and the choices which are yet to appear. Within ten years or less, nothing will seem the same!”

Hence the need to stretch outside of your comfort zone to establish new beliefs, habits and patterns to redraw your brainΒ΄s neural pathways.

Leading with joy, play and presence will help you do so!

In the article are two ways you can choose to wave your magic wand to move beyond fate.

Should you need any assistance, please reply to this email.

Did not see my interview on the Rise Up Summit, or would like to watch it again – just click here.

My desire is to help all to know and be themselves. So, please DO share this article with others you love and may need some help to also step out of their comfort zone. 

To Enjoy Creating Your New Comfort Zone        



P.S. Do contact me if you have any questions or I can be of service.

Aka the Shamanic CEO, I am a Creator and International Best-Selling Author. My passion is to guide all to know and be themselves.

To assist you accelerate your life by shifting your beliefs about being the Master Of Your Life, download a copy of my latest book – the β€œ7 Mystical Ways To Accelerate Your Business And Your Life”.

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