Activate your truth, be the creator of your own experience,  follow your soul’s desires

These past few weeks my early mornings seem to have been filled by unusual dreams. Vivid because of their oddity. In one England´s current Prime Minister appeared in my old KPMG office in London to sign cheques and give one to me!

In fact, London scenes seem to be a recurrent theme in these dreams. Do you remember yours, perhaps writing them down for later consideration?

There have also been nights when sleep seems to have passed me by, yet I do not feel tired the next day. Just feeling unsettled, ungrounded or a little unstable. All simply signs there is something looking to be unlocked.

A Crossroads Of Transition And Evolution

This is the state humanity is in. The full moon in Capricorn on 24th June asked us to breakdown false beliefs about the necessity for “self-discipline” and “hard work” to be successful. Rather seeking to illuminate the creativity and fun-loving nature of our inner children.

The purpose? To access deeper dreams than the ones we have allowed ourselves to believe. Those not limited by the beliefs and patterns we have inherited.

1st July brings a capricious last quarter moon. Being half illuminated and half dark, it indicates we are at a crossroads of transition and evolution. As such it is illuminating the actions needed to achieve your dreams as well as the need to slow down to ensure nothing is overlooked or passed by.

2nd July is the exact mid-point of the year.

At the onset of July, the fiery Sun will continue to swim through the flowing pools of Cancer until the 22nd. We are being encouraged to assess our emotional stability and security. The purpose being to ensure we are standing upon a solid foundation as we create our dreams.

In numerology, July 2021 is a 12 Universal month. 12 equals education, seeking solutions to achieve wisdom, spiritual and intuitive. 1+2 equals 3, the number of creation, the mother, father, child triad.

It is also the number of expression, being social and creative as well as accepting the flow of opportunity. Which means in July you are going to be feeling a tad vulnerable, perhaps even a little confused or uncertain because of the new direction you are headed in.

Added to the feeling of excitement will be the desire to take action as Mars makes three transits as July begins. Fortunately, the sun in Cancer will assist you navigate the constant battle between feelings and actions.

Be Surprised By Your Dreams

The Mars square Uranus transit allows us to act on our inspiration. Allowing ourselves to consider rather than dismiss unusual creative ideas. Doing so will mean confronting any restrictions from childhood or society´s conditioning. Perhaps even those from historical contexts we have adopted unconsciously.

Empower yourself to be surprised by your dreams! Embrace what may appear as unusual, even frightening.

For the first 22 days of July the Sun is travelling through Cancer, associated with your sense of home and security. The encouragement is to nourish yourself, building your solid foundations.

As we begin the second half of 2021, this is the month to speak, share or create that passion, project or something your dreams are about. As a 5 Universal year, 2021 is about trying something new and stretching yourself.

The systems and structures which formed our environment have been shown not to be as fixed as we thought. Which means there has never been a better period to be able to innovate and create something different on Mother Earth.

Providing that is you are activating your truth, being the creator of your own experience, and following your soul’s desires. These are the foundations needed to build or accelerate your life and business.

This period of transformation lasts until 2024. In particular in our relationship to the structures of power and authority. This applies both internally and externally – society as a whole as well as our own business/enterprise.

One indication of the change underway is in this “Disrupting Money” blog by Peter Diamandis. He is one of the technology futurists I follow. It sets out very clearly how Blockchain, Bitcoin, and DeFi are the beginning stages of a deep structural transformation in society. Re-shaping our understanding and use of money.

Message From Source

The latest Message from Source provided an overview of evolution and its continuing impact on our lives:

“We note the new chapter you are ready to create. Know this is what has been evolving. The new is being created, there is also a sense of change underway, even though to many they hanker to return to the old. This is not possible and never has been, despite the efforts of many to do so. Evolution cannot be that if the old can simply be re-created.

The new will always be emerging, even if it is not enjoyed, for this is what evolution is about. Continuous change so that all of Creation evolves. What brings forth this desire?

That of the Creator to continue to create. If all was static then where would expansion and evolution be – lost and so would you all.

Simply allow the events to unfold as your individual desires are created, even if not in the form you expect! This is the fascination of Creation, it is always unknown because of the interplay of the different aspects of Creation.

Hence why it is fun!”

Our cosmic messenger, Mercury, shifts gears three times in July. The first is on the 7th when the post-shadow phase of the retrograde completes. Meaning we will feel the pace of life quicken afterwards. Encouraging us to take action on our dreams.

From the 11th to the 27th, our planet of the mind will move into Cancer. We will feel a call to listen and speak from the heart, to act more instinctively. Which will make us more persuasive.

To help achieve balance and harmony, very early on 10th July the new moon rises in Cancer. The actions you take in the days following it will culminate at the full moon on 18th December 2021.

Nurture Yourself As You Take Risks  

The influence of Uranus is to invite you to take risks and trust your intuition. Being open to your inner genius and allowing your perspective to shift. Then your creativity and curiosity can flourish and so bring insights to help uncover any critical missing component to realising your dreams.  

Cancer brings compassion, nurturing and open communication. As such it is asking you to look at your own physical health. Making sure you have enough rest as well as eating and drinking healthy, nutritious food.

Releasing whatever conflict your body is holding onto – it diverts and drains energy. The shadow of the crab is to be too clingy and co-dependant. As a Water sign the intensity of feelings will increase.

Here are three action steps to assist you make the most of the powerful creative energies present to realise your dreams:

  1. Be prepared to take calculated risks. Nothing new is created without a risk being taken. Use the filter of “does it give you joy?” when making your choice.
  2. The numbers 3 and 5 together are really creative and fun, so allow yourself to have fun. Create space to do so.
  3. Allow yourself to seek and receive support. Together more will be created than when acting alone. This is the main limitation entrepreneurs place on themselves.

My desire is to help all to live life on their own terms, ideally having fun and joy. So please DO share and pass this post to others you love.

To Realising Your Dreams


P.S. Do contact me if you have any questions or I can be of service.


Gregory Reece-Smith, the Shamanic CEO, is a Creator and International Best-Selling Author. His diverse background includes being CEO of a public company and coaching fledgling businesses as well as the executive teams of organisations such as IKEA. His passion is using his skills and wisdom to inspire and coach successful entrepreneurs to create a fulfilling life of meaning. Upsetting their beliefs so they have freedom to accelerate their life and so their business.

To assist you accelerate your life by shifting your beliefs about being the Master Of Your Life, download a copy of my latest book – the “7 Mystical Ways To Accelerate Your Business And Your Life”.

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