Are you being true to who you are? Only then is everything possible

The first full moon of 2023 has brightened our sky – even if clouds have often obscured it!

The past few years have been tumultuous, full of apparently conflicting and challenging themes. 

The astrology for the past three years has been calling us to release the deeply buried patterns and habits directing our lives. 

The purpose has been for each of us to discover who we truly are so we can be true to ourselves. Acknowledging our own desires rather than following the dictates of others. 

 Revolution Occurs When Being True To Yourself

This re-structuring beginning to dis-mantle the collective structures that do not support our new stories about who we are becoming. Especially as we begin to explore what else is truly possible.

This is also challenging as it requires us to learn to trust in the unfolding of events where we have little or no control. 

In2023theplanetsare bringing us to a fork along the path of our journey. This period is intended to change our reality. 

Making the year one of endings and beginnings. 

We can choose to remain holding tight to the old ways we have become accustomed to, or,…

…we trust ourselves enough to step onto a new path.

This question is at the heart of my latest article: “Are You Being True To Who You Are? Only Then Is Everything Possible”.

The attraction is to remain in the comfort zone of a life which is not truly energised. Believing authentic brings the risk of not being loved and accepted by those around us.

2023 brings the arrival of new planetary cycles, downloading a new script for each of us.

Each planet also goes retrograde – making this a year for tuning in, revising, re-visioning and re-thinking the very essence of our lives.

In this we are being supported by Pluto making its first foray into Aquarius. Since 2008 it has been in Capricorn transforming our economy, the way business is done and government. 

The last occasion Pluto transited Aquarius was between 1778 and 1798. Amongst other events, this period saw people taking back their power in both America and France.

Everything Is Possible When Being True To Yourself 

The latest Message From Source includes:

“The task for all is to continue to create what each of you desires to initiate for your life. For many this may seem to be an insurmountable challenge should they remain in the grip of past events.”

Very often we do not realise better results only flow when you are being true to who you are or what you desire.

My passion is to help you to take action to realise the opportunities offered by this beginning…

…need support? To work with me on soul-level healing, accelerating your life and business, to direct your life click reply to contact me.

2023 is a very important bridging year to prepare for what lies ahead.

Being authentic is a very different way of being and leading. Mostly we seem to focus on “improving ourselves, overlooking this will not happen unless you are true to who you are or what you desire.

Please SHARE this post with others you love and may need some help to create harmony in their life.

To Being True To Who You Are


P.S. Do contact me if you have any questions or I can be of service.

Aka the Shamanic CEO, I am a Creator and International Best-Selling Author. My passion is using my skills and wisdom to inspire those who have what the world deems as “success” and yet their life does not feel free or fulfilled.

To assist you accelerate your life by shifting your beliefs about being the Master Of Your Life, download a copy of my latest book – the “7 Mystical Ways To Accelerate Your Business And Your Life”.

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