What makes your heart feel happy and complete?

Living a happy, rich and complete life is the message of the new moon in Pisces. It is reminding each of us we are here to be happy.

Any new moon brings a fresh start, and this one symbolises a spiritual re-birth. Re-emphasised again when only seven days later on 20th March there is the equinox. The moment of equal light and dark as the seasons switch.

This is the final of six consecutive new moons at 23° – the powerful Royal Star of the Lion vibration. The transition brought by these moons is at an end.

Have You Chosen Your Direction?

What makes this new moon particularly positive is the sun and moon are conjunct Venus and Neptune, the ruler of Pisces. Venus’ beauty and Neptune’s inspiration open the doors for an enjoyable sensual, spiritual experience for us all.

As the last sign of the zodiac, Pisces is a highly sensitive, imaginative and intuitive. It is also the dreamer, exploring the unseen and mysterious realms. Neptune’s domain is your dreams and psyche and Venus rules all matters of the heart.

The sun is your consciousness and outward expression. Our moon is your inner world.

A theme emerging here?

For your intentions to take form, you need to connect with your heart, and channel the power of your imagination.⁠⁠

How do you then feel about the direction you are heading?⁠⁠ Do you even have a sense of where it is taking you?

My suggestion is to connect with your inner wisdom and imagine the life you desire to live. What does it look and feel like?⁠⁠ This is where its creation starts.

Should there be alternative paths then feel into each one and sense which gives you the most happy, rich and complete life. Then make your choice as to which path to take for your re-birth. 

In doing so you are choosing to exercise your power to create the freedom you desire in your life. However, before we can create the magic of a new cycle, we must clear space and resolve the ghosts of the past.

Making this the perfect moment to ask:

  • What is the bigger picture that gives meaning to your life?
  • What do you care about?
  • What makes your heart feel happy and complete?

Put aside the need to know the exact way those truths might manifest. Instead allow the feeling to be recognised.

Shape Your Own World

Then trust the flow of life to carry you to exactly the right place at exactly the right moment, meeting exactly the right people.

Surrender and connect with your sense of greater purpose that you can nurture and grow over the coming months.

Listen to the whispers of your soul reminding you who you are and what you can create using your unique abilities and gifts.

The way you live your life, solve your problems, choose your relationships, and heal your body are all based on the way we have been taught to think about ourselves—our story.

This one-dimensional view is in the process of being replaced by a multi-dimensional world. Each of us having the power to shape our own world. To no longer accept the one which has been presented to us as the only available version.

During this transformation period of human history, 2017 to 2024, more people are going to feel they understand why they are here now. And understand what they are here to create.

Finding ways to bring their role both energetically and in form in practical terms into a more happy, rich and complete life. One which gives them control over their life rather than ceding it to others.

Recent discoveries in the fields of human evolution, biology, genetics, telepathic connection and the new science of neuro-cardiology (the bridge between the brain and the heart) have completely changed the way we view ourselves as individuals. That is we are multi rather than one dimensional beings.

These discoveries point to the reality that all matter exists in a vast quantum web of connection. One where every living thing is an energy system in a constant state of fundamental interaction and exchange of information and atoms with its environment, including all other living things.

Be Playful, Be Happy

Science now has clarity all of creation is not a storehouse of static, separate objects. Rather it is a single organism of interconnected energy fields in a constant state of becoming, and that within each of us lies an extraordinary potential far beyond what we were led to believe was possible.

The question for each of us is how do we awaken our extraordinary potential before we become powerless to do so? Expanding rather than just preserving the very essence of the qualities we have always valued and cherished in ourselves as humans.

21st March brings the first quarter moon. It is all about forward movement, spontaneity, and heartfelt communication as a catalyst for change in our lives. There is a theme to take action, giving you the power needed to erase old mental blocks and counterproductive behaviours restraining you.

This moon has an air of playfulness about it. The changes you might experience this week will feel spontaneous and exciting – taking you back to moments in your youth.

Until 20th April Aries helps us initiate, stand up for our principles and values and be visible.

Squaring a Pisces sun, this quarter moon also represents the beautiful connection between our emotions (Pisces) and intellect (Gemini). You will feel an intense desire to communicate your emotions to those you care about, speak your wisdom and socialise with friends and family. Perhaps it will shift how you SEE the world?

You can either perceive the world is suffering, or that it is blessed, happy and sacred, bringing continual gifts and the greatest joy.

When you perceive a world completely beloved by the Creator, completely cared for and nourished by Creation, you naturally act accordingly.

Message From Source

This is the choice each of us faces in terms of creating human evolution. Until 3rd April Mercury in Pisces is encouraging us to listen to our intuition.

The latest Message from Source adds further understanding of our choices:

“What is unfolding for all is a new experience. The vibration of your Universe and so your Earth and yourselves is rising at a rate never experienced before. Hence why so many are suddenly becoming aware of physical conditions they had long forgotten or ignored.

Their bodies are requiring to be purged of such conditions. Then the new energies will be able to flow freely. Until then they will be distorted or unable to flow.

This is but one of the symptoms many are recognising during this period of total transition. Another is the conflict between force and power. In particular the ability of each of you to exercise your own power to create what you desire.

This is the essence of the new era. It is in the creation by each of you the form of your new society and its structures will emerge. There is no model which is to be followed. Rather each will add to the overall matrix. We are excited to observe the form which emerges.

Place your confidence in yourself and you will be amazed at what appears. Place it in the hands of others and you will be disappointed, not least because it is not your own. This is true self-responsibility”

The message from my body was to purge it of the gluten intolerance I have known about for years, yet allowed to be forgotten. For others it has been digestive issues which have re-surfaced after many years.

To Be Happy Listen To Your Root Chakra

Though the next three or four months will feel lighter, expect the issue of power and its exercise to emerge. This will be an ongoing conversation as a people about power, control and freedom within society, in our lives and within the systems that we have. It is going to be a messy and difficult conversation until 2024.

The root chakra regulates the themes of safety, support and foundation upon which we build our lives. Right timing or Divine timing gives us the “right” support at the right moment.

In response to events in our outer world, the root chakra sends a signal to either your spleen, sacral or solar plexus – “this is the moment to take action”.

However, when we do not trust such a message, we run the risk of misusing our adrenaline, putting us at risk of adrenal burnout. Desperate for sleep and often feeling we are being left behind so becoming even more of a workaholic.

This is a situation I have experienced. Many more are currently doing so as the inner conflict between being aligned with their soul and that of their ego increases. Result they live as a husk of a human rather than being human.

The essential action is to first become aware of the messages from your root chakra. Then to connect with your inner wisdom to sense the freedom your soul is seeking and work with its power to create it. Take the action which makes you feel happy rather than not.

Mars working through Gemini is going to make 3rd March to 23rd April when the impulse to purchase is going to be high.

Relationships And The Full Moon

Daily Action:

  • Consciously begin to build a relationship with your body. Sit in silence in Nature or in front of your altar for 5-10 minutes a day. Your altar is simply something you place items on that are meaningful to you. Step back from the stories you and others are creating around you and be the observer of what is unfolding for you. Ask your body does it have a message for, await an answer.

On 28th March the full moon rises in Libra. It will call us to re-examine our relationships and to release us from dynamics of co-dependency. Do not be afraid to be who you really are, despite what you believe is expected of you.

There is a promise of fulfilment of something begun during the new moon. Your kidneys, ureter, urinary bladder, veins, skin as an organ of touch, pancreas, insulin, glucagon will be more sensitive around this full moon so provide them with extra self-care. Maintaining boundaries will be essential to do so.

The emphasise on relationships, indicates we are likely to experience revelations about our independence, need for others, and partnerships.

My desire is to help all to live life on their own terms, ideally having fun and joy. So please DO share and pass this post to others you love.

To Being Happy


P.S. Do contact me if you have any questions or I can be of service.


Gregory Reece-Smith, aka the Shamanic CEO, is an author, creator, speaker and shaman. He has worked in corporate and led technology companies worldwide; coaching fledgling organisations to those the size of the international operations of IKEA. Gregory upsets people´s beliefs so they have freedom to accelerate their life and so their business. Achieved without compromising their Spirit and values.

To assist you accelerate your life by shifting your beliefs about being the Master Of Your Life, download a copy of my latest book – the “7 Mystical Ways To Accelerate Your Business And Your Life”.

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