The words we use define who we believe ourselves to be     

As we move beyond the end of November, Saturn continues to challenge us to face our fears, develop strength and resilience, and move beyond our perceived limitations.

For, our habits determine our destiny, not our history or current conditions.

Most people though are still reacting to their past and present with the same habits that took them where they are!

Creativity Comes From Your Heart

The choice we all have is to continue trying to facilitate change and help people with broken tools, or energise our creativity to form the new.

That way each of us gains control over what we create.

Doing so, you give yourself a sense of safety for you recognise you have the power to do so!

Acknowledging your creative power will impact all aspects of your life.

Whether in relationships or abundance, you need to define your life on your own terms, your way rather than by the beliefs of others.

We are all born with an infinite capacity for creation, though creativity has been recorded as declining for over 30 years!

Creativity is a motor of self-expression. It is your capacity to use your imagination to transform reality into something different, unique, and meaningful.

The magic wand that makes everything possible.

Which is why of recent date many have experienced disturbed sleep and flashback memories.

Saturn is helping us to identify the exact lessons we each need to learn in order to be free to evolve. Guiding us to integrate past experiences and alchemise the lessons into wisdom.

My latest article sets out where creativity originates – in the balance between your mind and heart.

In particular, how the heart is a key participant in the overall process of connection.

As well there is some research cited into society´s misnomer about creativity flowing only from the brain’s right hemisphere.

Five Steps To Creativity

Also included is a five step process many have used to enhance their creativity.

The latest Message From Source includes this advice:

“As the new emerges, know you will be challenged as to what is unknown by your experience to date. Assist the new to create what you desire in your life. As each of you do so, new opportunities will arise for you to further explore and enjoy. That is the nature of evolution.”

There is also a reminder about the importance of being aware of the words we use. For, they define who we believe ourselves to be.

Do those words express anger, fear or love?

When you feel love, you know you are being true to your true self.

When you feel that creative inspiration, keep your attention on it, and let everything else take care of itself!

My desire is to help all to know and be themselves. So, please DO share this article with others you love and may need some help to know where to look to find their creativity.

To Finding Your Creativity     


P.S. Do contact me if you have any questions or I can be of service.

Aka the Shamanic CEO, I am a Creator and International Best-Selling Author. My passion is to guide all to know and be themselves.

To assist you accelerate your life by shifting your beliefs about being the Master Of Your Life, download a copy of my latest book – the “7 Mystical Ways To Accelerate Your Business And Your Life”.

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