Your inner work will initiate a shift in your external world      

What does it mean to know who you are?

At this very moment, you have the power within you to craft the story of your life the way you desire it?

Are you ready to claim it?

My epiphany came many years ago when I was the CEO of a technology group I had taken public.

Intense lower back pain stopped me from driving to work and leading what most would consider a โ€œnormal lifeโ€.

A space for reflection had been created – only through the pain I did not view it as such

Clear Within To Shift To A Different Reality

One afternoon, moving slowly along a country path I had walked many times before, smelling the recent rain in the air, and looking at the large, fluffy white clouds moving across the sky, my head was full of Position: Purpose; Position: Purpose; Position: Purpose. 

As I began the slow walk home, my choice had been made. 

To no longer allow my life to be directed by a belief I had held since the age of seven. 

My story had been to attract the love of my father, I needed to be a successful businessman. And, here I was breaking down under the pain of achieving it!

Later, I came to realise my experience was a metaphor for my life.

My body was sending me a vital message about the story I had been living.

So, began the process of re-connecting with my energy to re-calibrate and begin the process of creating a new story for my life.

One aligned with my desires and passion. One that brought fun and joy into my life rather than a sense of obligation.

2024 is about allowing us to release what is no longer working.

This new energy is calling us to look within ourselves. For, doing the inner work will initiate a shift in your external world.

This is the message I was asked to communicate in my latest article.

Each of us has the power to step forward as the master that is within us, following the call to change our lives and so change this world. Our choice is how we answer the call. 

The focus of 2024 is self-empowerment, enabling you to regain your power and find a way to live with freedom.

Three Questions To Being Clear On Your Dreams

Doing so requires you to be clear of all that is draining you, all the old energies your body knows need transformation and healing.

This broadened in the latest Message From Source to remind us: 

โ€œSoon you will become more aware of your connection to all that is. This is not only to other humans, it includes your planet, its other inhabitants and so all that is present in your galaxy.โ€

Once we clear the stories and the shackles of our beliefs and patterning, our fight, flight or freeze re-action will relax. To the benefit of our parasympathetic system, and so our overall health.

Remember, even though you may not agree with something, it exists for a purpose, or else it would not exist! And, everything is the Creator, it is love and everything is you.

What may help in knowing where to put your energy, are your answers to three questions posed in my latest article

Yes, there is at present much uncertainty in life, so creating a sense of chaos. However, chaos also opens us to possibility for it is from here the new can be created far more easily!

Chaos also means that anything can emerge – what you focus on is what you will create.

That is how you will know who you are. 

Should you need any assistance, please reply to this email.

My desire is to help all to know and be themselves. So, please DO share this article with others you love and may need some help to clear what they no longer need in their life. 

To Knowing Who You Are     



P.S. Do contact me if you have any questions or I can be of service.

Aka the Shamanic CEO, I am a Creator and International Best-Selling Author. My passion is to guide all to know and be themselves.

To assist you accelerate your life by shifting your beliefs about being the Master Of Your Life, download a copy of my latest book โ€“ the โ€œ7 Mystical Ways To Accelerate Your Business And Your Lifeโ€.

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