Our part in evolution is to be ourselves

Whilst one person alone cannot change the world, the Aquarius full moon on the 22nd was a reminder every single person can, and does, have to play a part in creating collective change.

The energy of the full moon encouraged radical change in our own lives. Increasingly, the six months since the last new moon in Aquarius have indicated small tweaks are no longer enough.

Aquarius Will Challenge Your Status Quo  

The intense last degree of Aquarius, meant this moon brought acceptance of the need for change, and the strength and maturity to carry it out. That is staying in the present moment. To no longer be stuck in the past.

Seeking to retain the status quo rather than moving on will come back to haunt you as pain and dis-comfort somewhere in the body.

Should you play a part which is too demanding or too focused on yourself, now is the moment to acknowledge that and resolve to change it.

What we see outside of us mirrors what is within.

In astrology full moons are typically a moment for completion and reflection. When we reap the consequences of what we started six months or so ago.

When it shines from Aquarius, those consequences are likely to reach beyond our individual lives, into our communities as well as the wider world.

Aquarius is a radical zodiac sign, an Air sign which is always pushing the boundaries and invariably challenging the status quo. Its full moon is an astrological opportunity to reflect on how to play a part which makes a difference to Mother Earth.

At the end of July, Jupiter, in retrograde, moved back into Aquarius. Its purpose to help us understand what we need to let go and what new we desire to introduce. Allowing us to establish a closer connection to our soul. Pinpointing exactly what we need to feel to be more aligned with “who we truly are”.

The retrograde finishes on 18th October, Jupiter leaving Aquarius at the end of December. We are now in the preparation period ahead of next year´s major shift.

In numerology, September is a nine. It represents transitions and endings, the last stage before a new cycle of creation begins.

Your Choice Is Growth Or Restriction

These last few months of 2021 are when you can fill that space by attracting what is aligned with your purpose. This will also be the ideal period to form business partnerships, join groups or organisations, launch businesses, your product or service.

Once Jupiter goes direct in October it will expand whatever you put out into the world.

In Aquarius, Jupiter amplifies our inventive, innovative, humanitarian, and intellectual natures. Providing a greater focus on equality, diversity, and experimentation. However, this energy is clashing with that of Saturn.

Do you recognise this situation – a strong battle between growth versus restrictions in all of these areas? A push for progress from Jupiter with a stern focus on limitations from Saturn.

These months will bring a sudden boom in science and technology. Globally, we will be especially focused on the “future” and what lies ahead. Which will bring astrology, science, and philosophy to play a part in the form of humanity´s evolution.

An idealistic energy emerging, whilst the colder view of Saturn could dominate? What is your preference?

The astrology of 2021 is teaching us about the need to change in order to evolve. Letting go of people who do not resonate with you or represent your ideals and support your values.

As you express your unique self, you will always attract people who love you for who you are. Bringing this into the light needs to be your current focus.

Hence, our part in evolution is to be ourselves.

Remember when you feel an emotional reaction, this is not just about what we see in front of our face. It has history in it, often ancestral.

The need to clear away what is no longer needed applies to our physical possessions and space as well as our feelings and emotions.

Message From Source

The latest Message from Source provides an overview of this process of transition:

“These past few days have seen many conflicting events flowing. Some adding to the sense of fear which prevails, others bringing into creation the lightness of what is possible for all.

The moment will bring into Creation its own energy of existence. From this will flow the issue of what it means to be human. Questions will increasingly appear as to the meaning of human life. How it has evolved and what are the coming waypoints.

Whilst the context of the change is clear, the detail will not be known until events have unfolded.

The matrix of creation is continuing to emerge, there is no one path. The outcome depends on your individual experience. It is from this experience that life will then begin to ebb and flow.

Should your focus be one of fear, that is what you will experience. When one of love and beauty, that is what you will experience. Only you can make your choice. This is the issue of your free will Universe. Which includes acquiescing in beliefs even if you know them not to be true. Where there is conflict pain and dis-comfort will arise.

With harmony in your life, all will flow with fun and joy.”         

The push to transform was amplified on 19th August when Uranus went retrograde in Taurus. It is urging you to unveil those status-quo defying/shifting ideas you have yet to share fully. Be prepared to rock the boat of your material world!

The retrograde continues until 18th January 2022. It will unpredictably change how you view and relate to yourself, as well as the structure of your life and business.

The Cycles Of Human Evolution

The third and final Mercury retrograde for 2021 begins on 27th September – meaning finalise any agreements or contracts before then. This retrograde ´just happens´ to conclude on 18th October, the same day Jupiter goes direct.

Very early on 7th September the new moon in Virgo rises. It will unlock a door for you to improve your routine for the coming year. The energy of Virgo focuses on creating plans that are sustainable, helping us to build a better future.

Until 14th September, Mars in Virgo is helping our daily affairs to be more productive, making progress on a major project. Mars then moves into Libra and so the focus switches to relationships, in all their forms.

20th September the full moon rises in intuitive Pisces. It links to what you were building in your life in the week following 13th March, 2021.

As I have written before, human evolution occurs in cycles. The Mayan calendar is based on Mother Earth tilting on her axis every 26000 years. Which means that each of the 12 signs of the Zodiac is a cycle which lasts 2160 years.

Currently we are emerging from the age of Pisces to birthing that of Aquarius.

Each age is further divided into the 12 signs of the Zodiac. The last Capricorn sub-age of Cancer – around 6500 BC, is when the matriarchy gave way to the patriarchy. Alignment to Natural laws giving way to man-made ones.

More on this is in my story: Where Is This Process Of Transition Leading Us? Who Might We Become?

The cycle of the Pluto, Saturn, Jupiter conjunction in December 2020 marked the end of one cycle and birth of the new paradigm that is being created. In simple terms, the era of control moving to one of collaboration.


Your Part To Play In The Unfolding Transition?

Transition initially requires chaos as the old and the new struggle until the new emerges. The tension building until 27th December 2021 when Saturn squares Uranus. The subsequent volatile period continuing until at least October 2022, when Saturn and Uranus remain tightly squared.

Suggesting a summer of at best tension as Pluto returns in February 2022 to where it was in 1776, when the USA was born. In Roman mythology Pluto was known as the god of the dead and the ruler of the underworld.

It has the knack of exposing hidden truths, dark secrets, all that is shadow. It brings the dark, hidden, and taboo to the surface in order for it to be faced and dealt with.

Various other planets similarly return over the years to early 2025 – suggesting a rolling period of transformation. The most intense period being around October 2023 before Pluto settles in Aquarius in January 2024. Remaining there until January 2044.

Now is the moment to allow yourself to step into a new part to play. This will assist you to make your soul connection, to free you to share your unique gifts.

Please DO share and pass this story to others you love and may need some help to create harmony in their life.

To Enjoying Your New Part To Play


P.S. Do contact me if you have any questions or I can be of service.


Gregory Reece-Smith, the Shamanic CEO, is a Creator and International Best-Selling Author. His diverse background includes being CEO of a public company and coaching fledgling businesses as well as the executive teams of organisations such as IKEA.

His passion is using his skills and wisdom to inspire those who have what the world deems as “success” and yet their life does not feel free or fulfilled. Gregory uses his awareness and connection as a shaman to assist all to make their soul connection. Making the deep healing to share their gifts in full and so accelerate their life and business.

To assist you accelerate your life by shifting your beliefs about being the Master Of Your Life, download a copy of my latest book – the “7 Mystical Ways To Accelerate Your Business And Your Life”.

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