This is the moment for the current version of you to pass on

A new direction is appearing in your life, a deep impulse, a strong inner desire to walk your truth, own your light and break free from any restraints of family or social conditioning.

Do you feel the push to take that leap of faith in a new direction? This flows from our April new moon being in the first sign of the zodiac โ€“ Aries. A fire sign it always seeks transformation.

Five additional elements were also in Aries very early in the morning of 12th April, making this an intense new moon period.

Connect To Your Inner Children

Aries is saying do not overthink, unduly question the impulse or just dip your toe in to test the waters. The message is now is the moment and make the leap a big one – just do it.

It is urging you to be in a place of self-acceptance. There to access the curiosity and creativity we all had when children. Then we were just being ourselves rather than reacting to the perceived pressures from society, friends or family to be or act in a certain way.

The influence of the sun and Venus in Aries enhances the qualities of freshness, innocence and forward momentum. This is not the moment to be concerned about looking backwards. Rather the moment for your current version to pass on โ€“ in line with April being a #9 month – completion and new beginnings.

Pluto squaring this moon adds a creative and experimental aspect to it. Explore your thoughts. Meditate on what matters to you. Ask yourself how the stories you tell yourself are either helping you or keeping you trapped?

Meaning rather than being about money, success or fame, the new moon is guiding you to connect with your inner children and the freedom they offer. Especially the joy radiating from that special part of yourself.

Being playful is often about releasing our insecurities and fear of criticism so we can transform into a new, freer version of ourselves. Pluto always involves transformational challenges and asks that you honour these changes.

People often perceive the energy of Aries as being all about planning new objectives and fiery ambition. This new moon though is about something much simpler – centring you in the present moment.

Doing so will offer an opportunity to begin to re-set imbalances of power for autonomy and confident self-advocacy.

Your New Direction Is Calling

The influence of Venus and Pluto highlight unconscious patterns in relationships. Providing the potential to re-shape them into something transformative and true.

The commitment we make today creates our world of tomorrow. Making this the ideal period to move inward and really challenge your inner story.

My advice during the period of this new Aries moon is to let go of the need to control/dominate what you are feeling and allow your heart and soul to lead you in your new direction.

Shifting your mindset from what is impossible to โ€œall is possibleโ€. Allowing your heart felt desires to lead the way.

Providing you with the opportunity to recognise within yourself that you, yes you are here to make a difference, and it is the moment to step into the light of that truth with grace and ease.

This Aries new moon is an important moment of renewal and re-birth for each of us. The perfect moment to set your intentions for, and step into, new identities and ways of being โ€“ a new direction.

If you are not clear about what is important to you, this pressure may show up as fears or triggers. There is the potential to be impulsive and direct, making choices or moving in directions which may not suit – though doing so will add to your experiences.

This new moon is the ideal moment to ask what:

  • Do you know you need to do that you are afraid to do, or have previously been afraid to do?
  • Does courage look like or feel like for you?
  • Do you want? This is the moment to choose to head in that new direction.

Which reminds me of this Rumi quote:

โ€œYou are not a drop in the ocean.

You are the entire ocean in a drop.โ€

New Connections And People Appearing

Remember, when we want to create anything new in our external world we are also becoming someone new in our internal world.

To create consciously is to invite conscious healing. And between now and October, the more bold are your choices, the more successful you will be. The current strong planetary healing energy means boldness is needed to rise and create.

During April the energy will move fast within a continuing rise in vibration on Mother Earth. This will bring with it many personal opportunities, all of which can assist in building the new direction in your life. Though if not grounded, you may feel chaotic.

You may find yourself disoriented, wired, or changing internally faster than you can acknowledge. Such periods of electrical upgrade tend to be precursors to major external change. Should you be in such a state, then my suggestion is to explore ideas rather than execute plans.

On Mother Earth from now until July ancestral healing is underway. The focus is on healing grief and heartbreak. This is designed to return to you the ancestral gifts of more of your lifeforce and power.

Expect the opportunity to collaborate begin to become more obvious during April. This may lead to new people and connections appearing in your life. So, focus your intentions on what brings you joy because financial flow is enhanced when you are engaged in a joyful way.

It will therefore be important to feel your intuition rather than the follow the voice of your ego. Usually intuition is felt through the body as a knowing rather than in words. Hence the need to be at peace and be the observer.

Commit To Your New Direction

This contrasts with the decision as to a new direction flowing through the egoic mind. It is rarely sure about any direction, being confused by the various options as it is unable to find a solution.

Which then impacts our commitment. Many often become confused about how to move from the resolution, the promise, the intention setting phase of life and into taking action. There seems to be a chasm between the two and very few have ideas on how to build a bridge

The end result looks perfect and shiny and makes us feel good. You may have clarity as to what you are intending to achieve and possibly even detailed plans for how to do it. The issue is not so much about what steps to take or what is required, what to do first is the real question?

Which often becomes obscured by many choosing to focus on outcomes they have previously been unable to achieve. Instead of seeing such events as experiences which has honed them and helped them, they are viewed as baggage restricting them.

Hesitation is not caused by a lack of passion, a smaller ration of joy or desire, some missing component or a failure of will. It is our deep aversion to a transformation which we do not control and have no certainty as to the outcome.

Take Action To Create Change

You can successfully take action through:

  1. Will power is usually tried first. It works best when supporting something you enjoy doing and want to achieve. And in a way which is mindful, organised, and can be sustained over a long period. It will not enable you to do something you do not wish to do or need to do in a dis-organised manner. Will power really is no good when seeking to make a life change.
  2. Trusting your guidance can be one of the most inspirational ways of achieving your desired outcome. It requires you to be in tune with yourself, your environment, and the flow of life. Hence requiring flexibility as synchronicities appear encouraging you to step outside your box. Meaning it is essential to be active in the world as only rarely do such opportunities come and knock on your door.
  3. Commitment is the most effective way I find to achieve resolutions, promises, and intentions. No matter the support which exists, nothing happens until you commit. This is committing to an action, an action plan, a project, a dream, or a practice. Commitment happens long before the action, when you move from someone who wishes they are to someone who is โ€œxโ€. This changes the energy associated with the outcome. Which is why I always comment on the words people unconsciously use.

Making a statement, marking the calendar, committing to taking action by a certain date makes the project real. It begins the process of manifesting. Like magic we move from the potential to actual.

Commitment is the emotional equivalent of will power. When committed you will not deviate from your objective no matter any setbacks or challenges you face. It is not only something you have, it is also an act.

Message From Source

Commitments have the power to create, to change, to activate. When working with clients and students I recommend they create a ceremony. To be effective this needs to integrate all four aspects of your being โ€“ body, emotions, mind and spirit.

Such ceremonies need to be external/physical, ideally in Nature. The commitment has to be spoken, so utilising your mind and heart, and completed in a way to connect your soul and Spirit.

All of Creation is waiting for you to take action. Everything is set up and waiting.  Now, is the moment for you to commit.  Is today that day?

The latest Message from Source adds further insights as to the transition underway:

โ€œYou will soon begin to sense the nature of the change that is manifesting. There will be further challenges appearing as some of the themes disappear and new ones emerge.

Allow the sense of change to solidify. Once this is complete the next phase will begin. This year for you is one of constant flow. The water will soon be ever flowing in and out as the tide of life continues. There are more storms about to appear on the horizon. These may begin as squalls though will soon demonstrate their full force. A significant part of these storms will be bringing new ideas and approaches into play. The old will continue to die as the new emerges to take its place.  

Many of these storms will continue into your next year. There will also be a new sense of humanity and what it is to be human emerging. Continue to play your part in its creation.โ€

Aprilยดs lighter and brighter energies will require a little more in sustenance and nurturing to support what it is you want to create.

Clear Away

Certainly there has been much in the way of purging for me โ€“ and not only the toxins of my gluten intolerance!

Old identities and ways of being are being shifted. Our energy shifting faster than our human mind, ego and identity can adapt. The changes in your identity in the world, in your way of working in the world will determine the next phase of your life. We are shedding the density of our ancestry. Humanity is healing.

Jupiter is inspiring you to trust your eternal connection to Spirit. What is required is your willingness to not know, rather surrendering to what is unfolding. Jupiter is also encouraging humility and the gratitude to ask for help.

From 23td April to 11th June Mars will be in Cancer โ€“ focusing us all to de-clutter, decorate and renovate. Creating space to follow our own pursuits.

26th April the full moon rises in Scorpio to reveal secrets, including illuminating the conflict between collecting and sharing. The next day the retrogrades begin again with Pluto โ€“ which lasts until 6th October. It will prompt you into soul discovery, inner transformation and forgiving as well as questioning how your business has been built.

My desire is to help all to live life on their own terms, ideally having fun and joy. So please DO share and pass this post to others you love.

To Committing To Your New Direction  


P.S. Do contact me if you have any questions or I can be of service.


Gregory Reece-Smith, aka the Shamanic CEO, is an author, creator, speaker and shaman. He has worked in corporate and led technology companies worldwide; coaching fledgling organisations to those the size of the international operations of IKEA. Gregoryยดs mission is to inspire others to lead, find their inner strength, and connect feelings they may have repressed. Upsetting peopleยดs beliefs so they have freedom to accelerate their life and so their business. Achieved without compromising their Spirit and values.

To assist you accelerate your life by shifting your beliefs about being the Master Of Your Life, download a copy of my latest book โ€“ the โ€œ7 Mystical Ways To Accelerate Your Business And Your Lifeโ€.

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