Three questions to help you identify your optimal direction    

Have you chosen to own your own power? When you claim your own voice you will be unstoppable. Until then fear and anxiety are controlling your life.

10th November brought a classic paradox for us to explore. The Mars/Mercury conjunction and double square to Saturn on the one hand infusing our life with energy, focus and forward momentum. Whilst at the same moment creating restriction and a great need for patience, contemplation and extra rest.

How Do You Perceive The Direction Of Your Life?  

We are being invited to breathe and allow ourselves to address every situation by taking small steps, perhaps only one.

Now is not the moment to start something new, rather pour your passion into projects you have already initiated.

Should you feel frustrated or pushed, centre yourself to access your inner peace and calm. Then you will be in your power to claim your own voice.

Mercury’s presence is providing insight into any fear that is restraining you. Mars is encouraging you to take the road you have yet to travel.

Mars conjunct Mercury will create breakthroughs as to how you perceive and choose the direction of your life.

This process was begun on 4th November by the new moon in the sign of death and re-birth, Scorpio. As you face your shadow you can transcend your current limitations, which may have been delaying you initiating a new beginning. ⁠ ⁠

The impact of the Great Awakener, Uranus, on the new moon was to ensure November is a month of revelations. Surprises, shocks and exciting turns of events shattering paradigms.

Releasing the desire to express your voice and the burning passions that make you feel alive, being in your power.⁠

This will make rational thought and mental clarity less accessible, whilst heart awareness and sensitivity to the accelerating energies become more evident.

Creating an energetic environment that supports deeply creative processes through intuition and guidance.

Which in turn will help you nurture the seeds inside you, even should you have no idea as to the nature of those seeds or what they intend to grow into.

Together they highlight themes of freedom and authenticity. Though being true to yourself may seem to be at odds with current events, it is actually not an option.

Money, Money, Money  

All of these are further challenges to the structures we thought until recently were permanent, yet are beginning to fade away. Value systems are being reassessed and there is a collective understanding the status quo is not working.

For we are about to enter a new collective journey. One that is as subversive and authentic as Scorpio.

The new moon also introduced us to the energy of 2022, when the eclipse cycle will be firmly in Scorpio and Taurus. The full moon and lunar eclipse on 19th November will shift the energy again. One which will last until mid-January 2022.

The full moon in Taurus will emphasise money, value, survival and security. Combined with the eclipse means an opportunity to shift the way we think about the energy of money, ourselves in relationship to money and money-making. In turn how we save, spend, invest, earn and generate money.

All our habits, frameworks, mindsets, conditioning, etc. will be challenged. Adding to the current sense of uncertainty many feel.

At the heart of this is the need to follow your own conviction, not because you are being selfish, rather because it blazes a path forward for others to follow.

When we claim our own voice, this creates waves of change. When we follow our own conviction, it gives permission to others to do the same.

However, not taking action to do so leads to questions about self-love and of self-worth.   

True conviction initiates a new direction that is rooted in love, expanding the capacity of love’s expression. To stand for your truth and to voice it.

A sense of the eclectic nature of what is unfolding is evident in this latest Message from Source:

Message From Source

“The momentum of the transition we are all experiencing is now building to a crescendo of transition. It has been freed by the energies of all who have been engaged in making a change for themselves. This change has enabled you, your planet and so your galaxy to transit. Is the process complete?

No, only it is beyond the pivot point.

It will soon become evident to all a new order is emerging. Just as you have allowed all that was to pass, so you now need to focus on all that you desire. This is not about the colour or make of your care etc., rather it is about the nature of your life, your children´s lives and so their children´s lives and so on. This is the moment which is being created.

You may face challenges from the old order that surrounds you as well as that which is within you. The choice is how do you react to what surfaces? Follow it or simply be aware of it and allow it also to pass. 

Whilst you have the adage of ´Rome was not built in a day`, allow yourselves to begin the process of creation and it will seem it only took the blink of an eye for it to be created. This is the nature of what you are all creating.

Sense the change which is underway and celebrate all that has been achieved and what has emerged and is emerging. Once again, the unexpected has been achieved.”

So much so that my sense is all of Creation is currently working through what has unexpectedly emerged in the Cosmos. Only once the choices as to direction are made can these be filtered down through the Universes and galaxies to provide us with optimal guidance for here on Earth.

Three Questions To Help Identify Your Direction  

Last week I completed with some others a ceremony on Serra da Estrela (Mountain of the Star). Since then many have referred to feeling as though they have left one space and yet to land in the new.

This is certainly my own feeling, plus being a tad woolly as to my own direction. Uncertainty has replaced certainty.

My guidance is the landing pad will be completed between the 11th November and 12th December portals.       

To help you sense the optimal direction emerging for you, here are three questions to ask yourself:

  1. What is changing in the world around me?
  2. What is changing within me?
  3. What do I desire to create for myself and the world?

Whatever emerges will require a choice to be made. Not deciding will drain your energy.

Making the choice frees you.

No matter your choice, anxiety and fear will surface. For you, are being asked to express your voice as to the choice you made.

Remember, this is not about what have you done or not done. It is about being honest about who you are. Your mission in this life is not about what you do, it is about being who you ARE.

For all souls the purpose of incarnation is to evolve, meaning your future has to be different from your past. Create space today to embrace this change and start to create what you desire for yourself and Mother Earth.

11th November also brought the first quarter moon in Aquarius. It signifies a period for adopting a calm and principled view, taking action and rising above challenges. Should you have begun a project or initiative during last week’s new moon, you may face obstacles that require quick thinking to maintain progress.

Exercise Your Voice To Manifest Your Dreams

Remember to our soul resistance is just a delay to our progress, it does not judge our actions or inactions. Perhaps instead focus on accelerating your life alongside that of the Cosmic energies. An opportunity to be re-born is being offered. Unleash your abilities, gifts and skills.

Allow your voice to be heard to create your new life.

For me memories, past events from this and other lives have played through my mind in recent days. Even synchronicities that connect me back to the old baggage I have carried. All have played through, though no longer reacting to them, just being their observer.

The astrology of the coming few months reflects an uneasy energy building that wants to be released, freedoms regained, and untruths revealed. The outcome will be determined by our choices as to what we desire to create for our life.   

Mars being in Scorpio until 13th December will bring you the fire you need to create forward momentum — or burn away what is not working for you.

The events in November will hint at the direction of your life to the end of 2023.

Eclipse, 2022 And Your Voice  

The second and last solar eclipse of 2021 takes place on 4th December. In Sagittarius it will invite us to manifest the adventures of our dreams. Its connection with Mercury hinting at a need to have a humble attitude moving forward.

Jupiter, the ruler of this eclipse, squares Mars shortly after the lunation. This transit symbolises our need to grow free of what has been tying us down. Its impact will be felt for the next six months.

2022 will be a year of major transformation as well as bring many positive developments – including deeper connection to the Creator. As a 6 Universal year, it embraces, nurtures and enhances love and abundance.

All will assist you to make your soul connection, to free you to share your unique gifts. To live to your full potential by being unstoppable as you express your voice.

Please SHARE this story with others you love and may need some help to create harmony in their life.

To Claiming Your Own Voice


P.S. Do contact me if you have any questions or I can be of service.


Gregory Reece-Smith, the Shamanic CEO, is a Creator and International Best-Selling Author. His diverse background includes being CEO of a public company and coaching fledgling businesses as well as the executive teams of organisations such as IKEA.

His passion is using his skills and wisdom to inspire those who have what the world deems as “success” and yet their life does not feel free or fulfilled. Gregory uses his awareness and connection as a shaman to assist all to make their soul connection. Making the deep healing to share their gifts in full and so accelerate their life and business.

To assist you accelerate your life by shifting your beliefs about being the Master Of Your Life, download a copy of my latest book – the “7 Mystical Ways To Accelerate Your Business And Your Life”.

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