Sitting on your hands is not an option

As we approach the September equinox, I am reminded nothing in life is still, everything is in a constant flow of undulating-cyclical change. And whilst cycles repeat eternally, each new one brings a fresh opportunity to reflect on experiences we have gained.

Questioning have we used their full potential? Utilising them to step further along the path we have chosen.

Birth Your Life In The Constant Flow Of Uncertainty

To do so is to merge into the space between the in and the out-breaths. As the days grow shorter here in the Northern hemisphere, so we are taken inward. Reflecting on what has come to pass over Summer, and being present to the full potentials of this moment – the between times.

What is the nature of what we are creating? It is not only for our children and grandchildren. We are planting the seeds of humanity´s evolution, and for the generations emerging.

Yet for most, the future seems at best uncertain.

Which means more are questioning the broken systems of our world. And as a result setting their minds, their hearts, their lives onto a different trajectory. One which it will not need 50.1% of the population to create.

My guidance is only half of that number is needed to cross the tipping point.

Which is why we are being called to take steps NOW to initiate creation of the life we desire. One which aligns all our emotional, mental, physical and spiritual bodies.

Making Now the perfect moment for us to connect with our soul and allow something else to birth. We have a much better chance of birthing “the new” in the midst of chaos than any other moment. That is because we no longer think we know what we are going to do.

Our frustrations and angst are freed to rise into our awareness because of the uncertainty. These are energies that have been stored inside us— packed away in our cells and remembered by our unconscious. Previously we were able to override those energies that felt uncomfortable or any sense of dis-ease.

The chaos of transition is requiring each of us to be in the constant flow of the change underway.

Create Your Constant Flow of Abundance  

Its objective? To be in the truth of who you actually are.

Not the version who chose to pursue society´s norms. Adding to the layers of beliefs we have all adopted to protect and direct our life.

Instead to quite simply accept we are responsible for our own life and what we create. Our potential is unlimited, so why do we not use it?

This has been a theme in many conversations over the last few weeks. Reflections on the different beliefs which have controlled their lives over the past xx years. So much so some had spent their life wishing they had not incarnated.

For others it had been not willing to use their abilities, gifts and skills to create a life based on society´s values rather than their own. The constant flow of transition helping them to understand why they did not feel valued or excited by the opportunities appearing to them.

Ready to link what gives them joy to receiving the constant flow of abundance they desire. Birthing their “new life”, including a business, as they move beyond the restraints of their beliefs.

In this we are being supported by Venus moving into Scorpio on 10th September for almost one month. Matters usually considered “taboo” beckon us to explore them as we do a deep dive into our unprocessed emotional patterns of thinking.

For many it offers a transformative four weeks.

In this we are being helped by the current acceleration of vibration hastening our ability to make big shifts. Deeply buried issues that previously would have perhaps taken months and weeks to surface, can now be completed in an intense and quick manner, usually only hours.

The intensity does not necessarily mean pain or suffering is involved.

Let Go What No Longer Resonates With You

Rather the higher vibrations will very quickly shift your old beliefs and emotional patterns. You might notice a closer link to your purpose, your soul´s mission.

No longer just healing in the moment, it is actually about who we are becoming and stepping more into the power of our soul. To be the person you incarnated to be. Even though this may have become hidden over the course of your life.

The higher vibrations will adapt all your four bodies. On the one hand with feelings of deep presence to your life and being alive at this moment.

And on the other. experiencing pain and dis-comfort from holding on to old habits and patterns – including what you eat and drink. The trend to eat foods which are easier for the body to process – vegetarian and vegan eating, indicates the change afoot.

Whilst the acceleration in our vibration will carry on through the end of 2021, the process of adjustment to its effects will take longer. The impact will be felt by technology as well as existing industries. The current rate of transition suggests completion of this phase will be in 2047.

Many of the processes, including healing modalities, we have grown used to will become less effective. New energies require we adopt new processes, including for healing modalities.

The astrology of 2021 is reminding us of the need to be in the constant flow of change in order to evolve. Including letting go of people and relationships that do not resonate with you or represent your ideals and support your values.

Hence, our role in the constant flow of evolution is to be ourselves. Not suppressing our emotions, instead acknowledging they are and will always be part of us.

Message From Source

The latest Message from Source indicates the purpose of the transition:

“Continue to allow yourselves to adjust to the higher vibrations which are impacting all including Mother Earth and the Cosmos, at this moment. This is not going to be a short, sharp shock. Rather it requires re-calibration by all. Mother Earth is doing her own and so the impact will be visible as she adjusts. The same is the case for all her inhabitants.

The adjustment may take until the end of your year and perhaps beyond. The measure will be one of how the higher vibration is absorbed by each of you. Whilst it is Universal in terms of the event, each of you will have your own processing to complete.

Some may resist taking the steps to re-calibrate. They will feel the most intense impact. Others will readily embrace the transition and will emerge from the calibration in what may seem only a few moments of commitment. Some may prefer to leave rather than re-calibrate. Each choice is individual.

The purpose – to ease the transition into the coming phase of opening to direct connection for all to engage with. This will open the gates to the unlimited potential which exists for all. Hence as the adjustments are made, the paradigms of yore will drop away. Their power will no longer control the new humanity emerging.

This also means many of the processes and procedures which were viewed as effective will no longer be so. New processes and procedures will continue to appear which are already operating at the higher vibration. This is all part of the transition which is underway. It is already amending all aspects of each being´s life, whether they know it or not.

You Are Full Of Potential

Each of you chose to incarnate at this moment so you can learn from and assist in the transition which is underway. Free will though allows each of you to choose whether or not to participate in creating first the transition and then the creation of what emerges. The framework is known, it is though for each of you to build the structure you desire.”

Use your intuition to do so rather than any anger, fear, hurt, guilt, shame or sadness you may feel. All these emotions will remain present in what emerges, only we need to recognise them rather than react to them.

Perhaps you have also been feeling stuck in a rut and not making progress, or perhaps unsure of the next step to take?

Change and movement in your life is critical to fill your soul with optimism. When people cannot vision a brighter future for themselves, they lose motivation, or worse, slip into depression. Just observe the increase in mental health issues.

Do not allow yourself to stagnate. You are full of potential no matter what stage of your life you are at. As you smile feeling yourself living your life of joy, continue to take the steps to achieve it. Sitting on your hands is not an option.

14th September Mars turned a corner and ignited Libra until 30th October. During this period, relationship matters will become especially important to us— romantic, business, or collaborative.

Intuition, Collaboration And Connection

The full moon in Pisces on the 20th enhances your intuition. Linking to what you were building in your life mid-March 2021.   

Two days later, the Sun moves into the partnership focused sign of Libra for four weeks. Our attention turning to how we collaborate with those around us—or do we need to reassess and renegotiate where we stand? Our boundaries will be pushed!

One of the paradoxes is that as the energy accelerates, we need to be more still. For it is only in stillness you create fearlessly and joyfully.

Then you can allow yourself to step into a new role you choose to play. This will assist you make your soul connection, to free you to share your unique gifts.

As many planets shift directions in October, we will find we, too, must reflect on what stood in our path and how we avoided its challenges. By the end of the month life will have quickened and we will have realised it is no longer possible to stand in the shadows.

Please DO share and pass this story to others you love and may need some help to create harmony in their life.

To Being In The Constant Flow Of Life


P.S. Do contact me if you have any questions or I can be of service.


Gregory Reece-Smith, the Shamanic CEO, is a Creator and International Best-Selling Author. His diverse background includes being CEO of a public company and coaching fledgling businesses as well as the executive teams of organisations such as IKEA.

His passion is using his skills and wisdom to inspire those who have what the world deems as “success” and yet their life does not feel free or fulfilled. Gregory uses his awareness and connection as a shaman to assist all to make their soul connection. Making the deep healing to share their gifts in full and so accelerate their life and business.

To assist you accelerate your life by shifting your beliefs about being the Master Of Your Life, download a copy of my latest book – the “7 Mystical Ways To Accelerate Your Business And Your Life”.

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