Trust in yourself, your Soul and what is being created by you to experience    

Do you know someone who continually refers to their same story of childhood trauma?

Perhaps they have visited a therapist more than once, and yet it never healed.

We all know what this feels like.

Your Shadow Holds Your Deepest Emotions 

For the stories we tell ourselves can seem so inescapably real. They are part of who we are, our identity. 

When I hear such stories, to me they indicate the person is living in the emotional beliefs of their shadow.

Most are afraid of our shadow for it contains all the unwanted trauma, pain and dis-comfort we would rather avoid. 

Yet, as a shaman I know these vulnerable parts of us possess some of our most powerful gifts.

Only it requires courage to go there!

In my latest article I used David Hawkins´ Levels of Consciousness to list the eight emotions within the third dimension and below. He describes this overall consciousness as that of the victim/abuser.

The next seven levels rise from courage to bring about the self-empowered human, ready to step into the fifth dimension. This is the point in the process of evolution humanity is entering.

The eclipses and Samhain have brought many insightful dreams and conversations.

Lunar eclipses make visible our collective and personal shadow, providing an opportunity to reset the emotions of the beliefs held in our shadow realms.

Which leads back to trust in yourself, your Soul and what is being created by you to experience. It will mirror your inner beliefs, your emotions about yourself and all of creation. 

Hence, the influence of your shadow.

For our inner journey precedes the next cycle of our creative expansion.

Only then can we move on to what we really desire, rather than clinging to the emotions of our history, fears or past wounds.

Courage Is Needed To Create The Self-empowered Human 

Changing our response to what is presented to us. Then we arm ourselves with the awareness to move more gracefully through the turbulence continuing through next year!

The latest Message From Source includes this advice: 

“As you take the first little step, so you will open more doorways for you to explore. Be willing to step into each with curiosity. That way you will unfold more of the potential you have exposed.” 

The question we all face, is whether we will allow the next level of our soul´s evolution into our everyday human existence?

For many, simply contemplating the choice will bring forth fear, hesitation, or trepidation from their shadow.

Between now and 2025, the process will accelerate, becoming more evident in our lives.

So, the question for you is whether you have the courage to step through any fears or past ancestral wounding? 

That is where you will find peace within and so help create it without.

My desire is to help all to know and be themselves. So, please DO share this article with others you love and may need some help to live beyond their emotional re-actions.

To Live In The Truth Of Your Emotions     


P.S. Do contact me if you have any questions or I can be of service.

Aka the Shamanic CEO, I am a Creator and International Best-Selling Author. My passion is to guide all to know and be themselves.

To assist you accelerate your life by shifting your beliefs about being the Master Of Your Life, download a copy of my latest book – the “7 Mystical Ways To Accelerate Your Business And Your Life”.

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