Secret #7 Answers The Question Where am I going, and what is the point to it all?”

Do you have a vision for what is the point of your life? Certainly, for many this period of transition has challenged their previous assumptions.  

The challenge for us all is to choose to answer Ralph Waldo Emerson´s statement:

The only person you are destined to become is the person you decide to be.”

Which neatly sums up this period of transition as we leave the separation of Pisces to the collaboration of the Age of Aquarius.

If you think 2021 went by quickly, wait until you experience 2022. Last year’s theme of enormous shifts spills over into this coming year. While the Saturn-Uranus square that created so much transformation in our lives does not repeat, it will be incredibly accelerated.

We will be required to manifest our hopes and dreams to continue to keep up with the challenges of a new era. That is how we will shape it.

Nothing will be too crazy or too wild to become a reality during the coming year.  

The third pass of Saturn and Uranus on 24th December 2021 heralds the consciousness which will dominate until the autumn of 2022.

Nothing will put you where you or you want your business to be until you are living in harmony with your full potential. Are you ready to live it?

Or, perhaps are you really content to just reach the end of your life and wonder what could have been the point?

Welcome To The Domain Of The Crown Chakra!

The crown chakra is the energy centre within our body that is responsible for thought, awareness, wisdom, and our connection to the Creator.

In “Where am I going, and what is the point to it all?”, I have set out the three core components essential to align yourself with the birth of this new age in 2022. One of these is to access your inner knowing to create beyond what currently exists. Innovating by using your unique abilities, gifts and skills.

The challenges will be to the very structure of life as reform is demanded.

Hence each of us will need our crown chakra to be open and balanced. Only then will you no longer feel dis-connected from people around you.

Any current sense of isolation being replaced with a feeling of belonging and interconnectedness with all of life and the Creator.

The purpose – to help us shift from our old separation paradigm of lack, fear, hierarchy etc. to one of abundance, love, co-creation and community.

Then you will be able to absorb new lessons effortlessly – to create beyond what currently exists.

The alternative? Feeling stuck in a vicious cycle of uncertainty and doubt and know that you are not tapping into your full potential.

I went through this phase a few weeks ago, receiving several cuts and bruises as my body told me change was essential.

I would not want you to experience the same! Many new insights and potential avenues have appeared since.  

Ready To Free Your Vision?

“Where am I going, and what is the point to it all?” also details various signs of both an overactive as well as underactive crown chakra.

Included are six practices you can use to allow your vision to flow.

2022 will bring the powerful frequencies of expansion, rebellion and freedom. To use them in the most empowering way will require you to be aware of your point in being here – following your destiny

Once you do, your inner wisdom will awaken you to living your soul´s mission.

The year starts from the coming solstice – 21st December. We are being encouraged to reflect on what we want to create and why, what we want to build, and whether it has sustainable value for each of us.

Please SHARE this story with others you love and may need some help to create harmony in their life.

Do contact me should you need any assistance to living your soul´s mission and sharing your vision.

To Creating Harmony in Your Life


P.S. Do contact me if you have any questions or I can be of service.


Gregory Reece-Smith, the Shamanic CEO, is a Creator and International Best-Selling Author. His diverse background includes being CEO of a public company and coaching fledgling businesses as well as the executive teams of organisations such as IKEA.

His passion is using his skills and wisdom to inspire those who have what the world deems as “success” and yet their life does not feel free or fulfilled. Gregory uses his awareness and connection as a shaman to assist all to make their soul connection. Making the deep healing to share their gifts in full and so accelerate their life and business.

To assist you accelerate your life by shifting your beliefs about being the Master Of Your Life, download a copy of my latest book – the “7 Mystical Ways To Accelerate Your Business And Your Life”.

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