Seeking to create harmony or just bring balance into your life?

Much has been adjusting for me recently. So much so my body has been saying rest – hence my recent bout of coughing!

The message from my body was be quiet internally and externally. This is a powerful place of creation to be at this moment.

To Create Harmony, Focus On Feeling It 

When humanity is taking a big energetic leap, one of the most important tasks we can do is to be very clear about how we feel internally.

The more we focus on our inner awareness, the more easily the outer changes that are going to bear on our lives will be assimilated.

My guidance has recently been highlighting β€œprepare for change”. Which means new growth, new birth, new life are about to emerge from everything that is taking place at this moment.

Should you be searching for some clues and yet are unable to identify them, you may not be looking in the right places!

As I have written before, everything is going to accelerate and widen in the next four months. We are on the cusp of an evolutionary period that will forever change the way in which we live and work.

A massive shift in consciousness over the next 20 years is about to be initiated.

Hence why the ability to create harmony in your life is going to be essential.

Especially as much of the consciousness from ancient cultures such as Atlantis is in the process of re-emerging.

Usually such energy vortices were often on mountaintops where light temples used crystals to magnify their energies.

To be co-creators of this new era it is essential we need to follow our feelings. To accept our humanity and so create harmony in our lives.

Remembering how to use the long forgotten inter-connectedness which made us human. Whilst being in harmony with Nature, Mother Earth and Father Sky.

Currently we are in the chrysalis and require rest so we can emerge with our butterfly wings. The question for each of us is what contribution do we each choose to make to forming the new era? 

Is Seeking Balance Creating Im-balance In Your Life? 

Which is why in β€Seeking To Create Harmony In Your Life Or Just Bring Balance?”I have explained the big takeaway I have learnt from working with many people over the past decades is not living an authentic life. This dis-connect is the single biggest cause of the resulting pain and dis-comfort people experience.

The symptom can be anything from financial problems, relationship issues, physical pain, creative blocks, to even spiritual suffering.

Once people discover who they truly are, they are able to relieve that pain as they accelerate their personal fulfilment. As well as creating truly meaningful lives.

When pursuing balance in our life it can only be created by giving up something in one area of your life in order to create more in another. Pursuing this could unintentionally be adding stress into your life.

Focusing on harmony means having the ability to handle all of life’s different aspects (i.e., career, health, relationships) and allow a place of progress for the whole of who you are.

Remember balance and harmony only come from within you. There is no struggle when living in harmony.

Recognising any pain or discomfort is a message from the body that conflict exists, allowing you to activate a process to change it.

Which is set out in β€œSeeking To Create Harmony In Your Life Or Just Bring Balance?”.

It also contains the six key elements for what it means to act with authenticity in your life.

Please SHARE this post with others you love and may need some help to create harmony in their life.

To Create Harmony In Your Life


P.S. Do contact me if you have any questions or I can be of service.

Aka the Shamanic CEO, I am a Creator and International Best-Selling Author. My passion is using my skills and wisdom to inspire those who have what the world deems as β€œsuccess” and yet their life does not feel free or fulfilled.

To assist you accelerate your life by shifting your beliefs about being the Master Of Your Life, download a copy of my latest book – the β€œ7 Mystical Ways To Accelerate Your Business And Your Life”.

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