There is now an opportunity to create your future, want to do so?  

3rd February, a window opened for you to create your future. The one you truly desire.  

All planets are now awake. Meaning until the end of April is a period to enter into contracts, launch businesses, begin official relationships, and make important decisions that you want to last forever.

The only question is whether you will take action to use this opportunity?

Change is in the air.

The month began with the new moon in Aquarius, making seven planets now in signs ruled by Saturn. Their theme is “responsibility.”

This has two aspects to it. First take responsibility for your life, do not pass your power to others. And, secondly this is a chance for you to respond in a way that aligns with your desires.

This means working with the flow of life instead of letting it “work you!”

Which is what I have written about in “There Is Now An Opportunity To Create Your Future, Want To Do So?

The opportunity comes from the planetary alignment providing over 80 days without any retrogrades. Hence the window is open, only you need to use it!

To help you there are four steps guiding you to create your future. This is included as February 2022 is only occasion this century all the numbers in a date are the same, except for 0.  

The essence of the number 2 is unsurprisingly harmony, kinship, and co-operation. As such it represents making a choice between one path or another

Water Will Create Your Future

This was encouraged by the latest Message From Source with its guidance: ”The themes which are emerging all flow from freedom – to know, be and act from your own truth. Knowing your own truth is for many the hardest aspect to address.”

Only then will you able to live a fulfilled life.

As Aquarius is the water bearer and we are now in the year of the Water Tiger, we are going to feel Water´s ebb and flow. Reminding us Water is always moving and it takes on many different shapes and forms.

So, expect many emotional revelations, clearing old energies and opening you to new opportunities in love, abundance, and serenity.

Our own voice needs to be heard so we create harmony with those around us. Doing so will create the tone of this new era.  

That is how your actions create your future.   

“There Is Now An Opportunity To Create Your Future, Want To Do So?” also includes more on key dates in February, such as when to re-vitalise your online and social media profiles.    

As you reflect on what is emerging for you and would like an experienced viewpoint, a fresh perspective and practical pointers, please reach out by clicking on reply.

To Creating Your Future  


P.S. Do contact me if you have any questions or I can be of service.


Gregory Reece-Smith, the Shamanic CEO, is a Creator and International Best-Selling Author. His diverse background includes being CEO of a public company and coaching fledgling businesses as well as the executive teams of organisations such as IKEA.

His passion is using his skills and wisdom to inspire those who have what the world deems as “success” and yet their life does not feel free or fulfilled. Gregory uses his awareness and connection as a shaman to assist all to make their soul connection. Making the deep healing to share their gifts in full and so accelerate their life and business.

To assist you accelerate your life by shifting your beliefs about being the Master Of Your Life, download a copy of my latest book – the “7 Mystical Ways To Accelerate Your Business And Your Life”.

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