Embrace simplicity in your life

January´s new moon can be viewed as seeding our approach to all of 2024.

Therefore, be curious and open to the insights and what they reveal for you.

The easiest way to do so is to observe what you are putting your attention on?

Does it lead you to raise your vibration or lower it? That will help you determine whether it is serving you, or not.

Perhaps you are just following a habit rather than opening up to the awareness of what is emerging?

A New Beginning Requires You To Be Flexible 

When you notice your vibration rising, then what you are focusing on is serving you. Remember you have the ability to shift perspective, as well as your focus.

These are abilities which will help as you move closer to the Fifth Dimension. For at the end of this month, everything will start to move faster as you continue into higher-frequency energies.

Pay attention, and make your choice as to what exactly is it you want to achieve in 2024?

In it Pluto and Saturn are straddling between worlds and 2024 is more of a deeper journey into the new world emerging in response to your choices.

As an eight year, it is full of infinite potential, karmic return and finding renewal within ourselves.

2024 will either deplete you or inspire you to begin to create something new, more dynamic and aligned with who you desire to become.

However, be aware of Capricorn’s tendency to make us too rigid and set in our ways. Meaning it is important to remain flexible and open to other points of view.

Especially as this month is going to be fast-moving!

The Capricorn new moon is gently reminding you that you already have everything you need!

The latest Message From Source finished with this reminder:

“The pace on Mother Earth will begin to accelerate again in a few more weeks, so use this period of quiet to look inward and choose what you desire to create.”

New moons are usually hopeful in nature, bearing the promise of light to come. This one provides an opportunity to assess the intentions supporting your long-term objectives and ambitions.

The Phoenix Will Rise From The Old         

This window for you to plant the seeds of what you truly desire to manifest runs from 27th January until the end of April.

In this article is more on the key moves by the planets in January and beyond. 

On 20th January Pluto re-enters Aquarius after spending most of 2023 backtracking into late Capricorn. Pluto indicates where power lies and how it can be powerfully creative or intensely destructive.

When in the last degree, the shadow side of that sign will surface. Expect this to keep appearing during the last four occasions Pluto is in Capricorn during 2024.

As an Earth sign, Capricorn is rooted in common sense, practicality and stability.

It is also the most business-like of the zodiac signs.

New projects begun under a Capricorn new moon therefore stand an excellent chance of a strong start.

Should you need any assistance in doing so, please reply to this post..

Please SHARE this article with others you love and may need help to change their direction.

To Create Your New Beginning           



P.S. Do contact me if you have any questions or I can be of service.

Aka the Shamanic CEO, I am a Creator and International Best-Selling Author. My passion is to guide all to know and be themselves.

To assist you accelerate your life by shifting your beliefs about being the Master Of Your Life, download a copy of my latest book – the “7 Mystical Ways To Accelerate Your Business And Your Life”.

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