There is life beyond who you think you are, do you wish to join?

Rising two hours before the sun this morning, Venus was at her maximum brightness. She is the morning star diamond, asking who do you think you are? 

The Venus cycle expresses a shift from her yin – receptive side into a yang – assertive side. She also brings empowered fertility and sexuality.

With no planets retrograde until the end of April, until then you have the opportunity to plant the seeds of the life you desire.

Mercury, Venus and Mars are all headed toward conjunction with transformative Pluto on 29th April. This is the period to harvest the inner work you have been doing during the last retrogrades.

The purpose being to free you to pursue what excites you and aligns with your desires for 2022 and beyond.

My suggestion is to begin by focusing on gaining clarity in your values and heart’s desires.

However, all too often we come across a block in the road – our own thoughts!

Are You Who You Think You Are?

This has been the focus of many discussions since last year as each of us seeks to be in the flow of the transition which is underway.

Whilst thoughts in and of themselves have no power, when we actively focus our attention on them they begin to seem real.

Specific thoughts trigger emotions we have associated with that thought. This new state then influences how we act. Triggering recurring patterns of feeling and so behaviour.

I have written “There Is Life Beyond Who You Think You Are, Do You Wish To Join?” with the intention to help you step beyond such restrictions.

It raises the question for each of us do we choose to evolve into an utterly different kind of human being?  

There is also the latest Message from Source indicating the sense of what is emerging will become clear in the next few weeks. There was also a reminder: “Each of you is assisting in the creation of the new. No-one of you has more power or force in its creation. Each participates in the creative process.”

Being free to live beyond who you think you are means being aware of the limiting beliefs we each hold. The three observations are included to guide you to do so.

As you reflect on what is emerging for you and would like an experienced viewpoint, a fresh perspective and practical pointers, please reach out by clicking on reply.

To Enjoying Life Beyond Who You Think You Are


P.S. Do contact me if you have any questions or I can be of service.

Gregory Reece-Smith, the Shamanic CEO, is a Creator and International Best-Selling Author. His diverse background includes being CEO of a public company and coaching fledgling businesses as well as the executive teams of organisations such as IKEA.


His passion is using his skills and wisdom to inspire those who have what the world deems as “success” and yet their life does not feel free or fulfilled. Gregory uses his awareness and connection as a shaman to assist all to make their soul connection. Making the deep healing to share their gifts in full and so accelerate their life and business.

To assist you accelerate your life by shifting your beliefs about being the Master Of Your Life, download a copy of my latest book – the “7 Mystical Ways To Accelerate Your Business And Your Life”.

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