It will take most if not all of this year to complete the transition  

Have you a sense the tempo of your life is about to accelerate? 

Should it not have done so already, prepare for lift off! Ready yourself for this journey by relaxing, going deep within to appreciate what will unfold.

Centre yourself to review your past and reflect on what you have achieved.

This will help to illuminate your future and choose your most desirable path forward. 

Sometimes we must look back to confidently step forward!

The Transition Point Of The Spring Equinox Approaches        

The watery new moon in Pisces on 10th March is beckoning you into the mystical realms of your own depths. It marks a period of profound emotional and spiritual renewal, urging you to plunge into the ocean of your unconscious.

This last moon of the current astrological year is very close to Mother Earth and so has a more powerful effect than usual on our emotions and psyches.

Releasing your dreams and intuition to flow freely as you connect to the universal tapestry of consciousness.

The call of this new moon is to cultivate empathy and compassion, recognising them as powerful agents of change and healing, for yourself and the world.

Encouraging you to let go and allow yourself to be guided by Source.

The latest Message From Source included this insight:

“Be confident and assured as to the steps you are taking, the pieces of the jigsaw puzzle of the new are being placed, ready for your arrival. The puzzle will then be able to support you over the coming period. There is far more for each of you to create.”

19th March brings the transition point of the spring equinox and the start of the next astrological cycle. Encouraging your independence, leadership, and passion to begin new journeys, providing a prod in the direction of your objectives and desires.

We need to be moved rather than move, which requires trust you will land on your feet when swept into the unknown. Listen to your inner wisdom and the truth shall be revealed!

April Will Ignite Another Transition Point In Your Evolution      

As Jupiter approaches Uranus, our rebellious spirit that wants to break free, leave all behind and be liberated, will grow stronger and stronger through March and April. 

This conjunction is one of the most important astrological aspects of the year. Jupiter and Uranus come together exactly on 20th April.

My sense is it will ignite another transition point in our evolution.

The impact will be felt throughout 2024 as we build the foundation for the new humanity. This requires us to look beyond established paradigms and beliefs.

More is outlined in my article. The objective is to bring about integration and collaboration through recognising we are all part of the same, not separate. 

Current events are seeking to bring more people together, acknowledging we are all one humanity – powerful co-creators rather than victims.

Which means accepting everything just as it is, acknowledging it is your creation. Resistance will quite probably surface, notice it and let it go.

This is how new paradigms and beliefs can be established.

Should you need any assistance in doing so, please reply to this email.

Please SHARE this article with others you love and may need help to light their new path.

To Life Beyond This Transition Point           



P.S. Do contact me if you have any questions or I can be of service.

Aka the Shamanic CEO, I am a Creator and International Best-Selling Author. My passion is to guide all to know and be themselves.

To assist you accelerate your life by shifting your beliefs about being the Master Of Your Life, download a copy of my latest book – the “7 Mystical Ways To Accelerate Your Business And Your Life”.

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