We are all born with a desire to do something significant in this life

Have you ever wondered if not questioned: what is your destiny in this life?” Perhaps even been curious about why you are here on Mother Earth and if your desire fits with your purpose?

These are fundamental questions about our identity and our very being. Even more so as our lives are transformed, whether we like it or not.

Would your answer to these questions be the same today as last year or in your youth? Very probably not for continually we make choices and these lead us to where we are at this moment.

Life appears to be complicated, yet at its deeper essence is absolutely simple. After all, we live in the world of unlimited possibilities, yet we constrain ourselves by our beliefs as to what is possible in our life.

Do Not Focus On What Used To Be

Our soul´s desire and passion is to evolve, grow and release. This is how we accelerate our life. Choosing to create what we desire rather than remaining the same within our existing comfort zone.

This is what your Lifeguard, your unconscious mind, seeks to protect. To block any move to change the established pattern as by its definition it is unknown and so unsafe.

This is when the mental chatter focuses on memories from your childhood – perhaps comments made by your father or mother. Maybe being told to live your destiny you need to work long and hard rather than smart and effective? For you must earn your success.

Possibly also thinking about your previous relationships and the issues with the current one? These are usual issues which can make you feel stuck.

For once you focus on what used to be, or you lose appreciation for your current circumstances by wishing you were somewhere else, you will find yourself struggling and fighting – feel familiar?

It is at moments such as this you can question “are your desires creating your destiny or is it in charge of you?”

Or is it just about being in the right place at the right moment?

Do you believe it is your personal desire which influences events and their outcomes? Or that forces external to you are responsible for everything?

To me desire is directly connected to your purpose in life. The more you talk and walk your desire, the more purpose you feel, the more fulfilled you feel and the more ‘successful’ you are. This is because you are ultimately doing what you chose as your focus in this life.

Nothing can be achieved in all aspects of life unless it is first created by a strong desire for it.

What Is It You Desire?

A mere preference or like for something is not going to sustain you. I mention this because without a true desire for something, no matter how hard you work you will at some point give up on your dream. Or perhaps worse, you may continue to force events and not live a fulfilling life.

This I do not want for you.

My belief is we are all born with a desire to do something significant in this life. Our desire is unique to each of us, as are the abilities, gifts and skills we each possess. The desire is here to guide us rather than tease us in distractions.

Desire will keep us going despite the chaos which seems to surround us.

What is desire?

To me it is that niggle, a pressing feeling that makes you feel uncomfortable when not satisfied.

For your own wellbeing you must discover what it is you truly desire to do in life before you make the plans to pursue it.

Unless you feel so excited and passionate you cannot imagine yourself being anything else, doing will not sustain you. Rather you will grow to resent it, run out of steam and not be living a fulfilling life full of freedom.

Once you know what you desire to do in life, then when you make plans you feel excited and aligned with your calling – your soul´s mission. Your plans, although they will evolve, will lead you towards what you desire to be and enjoy in this life. This then becomes your destiny.

Not something which has been foisted on you, rather it is what you have created. Opportunities provided by external events will no doubt assist, even though they were not the initiators.

What Is Your Destiny?

Which means accepting responsibility for your project´s success or failure rather than seeking to place it elsewhere. Being the leader rather than being led.

Meaning as Ralph Waldo Emerson indicated:

“The only person you are destined to become is the person you decide to be.”

For each of us is an accumulation of our upbringing, experiences, moments, tragedies, and the influences of the people we have met. The choices we make determine whether to discard or hold onto the beliefs each has created.

This is how we each expand and evolve, so fulfilling our soul´s mission and that of the Creator. Hence why at its deepest essence living life is absolutely simple.

The choice we face is to expand and evolve or we choose to sleep.

How then might we come to know our desire? The clues lie in what gives us joy.

For as the bard put it:

“It is not in the stars to hold our destiny but in ourselves.”

William Shakespeare

And to find your Desire? Here are five different ways to enable you to do so:

1. Find Your Peace And Quiet

When we are busy, our desires are highly likely to become lost. Without the space to observe we cannot recognise any desire when it appears.

Prayer, meditation, intention setting, being in Nature will all assist in attracting wonderful opportunities. Such activity creates focus in your mind as to your desires.

2. Open Your Eyes And Ears

Whilst observing the world around us we are open to the ideas and insights that could isolate our desires. Even more important than eyes and ears, keep your mind open. For on many occasions such insights are shooed away because they do not fit into our pre-existing mental paradigms.

Which is why I am wary of predictions. They offer just one of the possible timelines. Placing our focus on it means other possibilities are allowed to pass by even if they give us greater joy.

3. Feel Inward

Write down what gives you joy and then feel into each. Allow this feeling to expand and to create its own vision of what is possible. Write down the key points of each and feel into which ones give you the most joy.

Sleep on your list and review based on any images etc. which emerged overnight. Re-order the list and focus on the top three. Feeling into each identify which provides you with the most excitement and anxiety.

4. Assess And Review

Feel into the excitement and anxiety each generates in order to identify the beliefs which are creating each. Review and assess each as to their truth rather than the perceived beliefs. Ask yourself do you have the courage to step through each?

Then state out loud your choice to do so using words such as: “I now choose to…” Taking this action will be easier once you have: “thanked the belief for assisting you, said please forgive me, then I am sorry and finally I love you.”

This is an adapted version of the ancient Hawaiian Ho’o Pono Pono practice of reconciliation.

5. Take The Risk

Make a choice as to which of your desires you choose to initiate.

As the old saying goes, “nothing risked, nothing gained.”  Unless you take a chance and do something new, you will never step beyond the existing comfort zone.

Stand up for what you believe in and show everyone, especially yourself, you are prepared to take risks to achieve your desires and you will achieve them.

Now write down the first action you can take to bring the desire into creation. Do NOT try to plan every possible action which will be needed. Rather take each step and then decide what is needed next and who may be able to help you. Do not be afraid to ask, most often people are pleased to asked, even if they are unable to assist at the moment.

Once you take action on these five ways you are living this quote from  William Jennings Bryan:

“Destiny is not a matter of chance; it is a matter of choice. It is not a thing to be waited for, it is a thing to be achieved.”

Please Share

As you take action you are communicating the message to all of Creation you have taken responsibility for your life, business and personal. Do not forget to ask for assistance, no matter how specific that may be.

My intent with the TOWARDS process is to guide you towards where your soul intends you to be. That is how you will be able to accelerate your life. Once you have identified your Desire as to your direction, the final step is to ensure the change you have initiated is SUSTAINABLE.

My desire is to help all to live life on their own terms. So please DO share and pass this post to others you love.

To Living The Life You Desire


P.S. Do contact me if you have any questions or I can be of service.


Gregory Reece-Smith, aka the Shamanic CEO, is an author, creator, speaker and shaman. He has worked in corporate and led technology companies worldwide; coaching fledgling organisations to those the size of the international operations of IKEA. He helps conscious entrepreneurs and executives integrate Insights and Inner Guidance with proven practical strategies, freeing them to accelerate their life and so their business. Lifting the beliefs that have limited their lives, growing loyal followers to become raving fans, so they quickly and consistently attract more of their ideal clients. Achieved without compromising their Spirit and values.

To assist you accelerate your life by shifting your beliefs about being the Master Of Your Life, download a copy of my latest book – the “7 Mystical Ways To Accelerate Your Business And Your Life”.

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