We resist change for a reason – it is trying to keep us safe

Are you one of those people who actively seeks out change or resist it?

A recent visitor was one of those who claimed to be drawn to change, yet his body showed he was unwilling to embrace a different direction. Even though there were abundant signs to support it.

Why? Quite simply we are hardwired to resist change. Part of the brain—the amygdala—interprets change as a threat and releases the hormones for fear, fight, or flight.

Your body is actually seeking to protect you from change.

Which is why so many people both personally and in organisations, when presented with a new initiative or idea will resist it. No matter whether or not it is a good one, with tons of benefits.

There is plenty of research on how people react to change. Not to mention several models about how to cope with change and encourage change in others.

Fear of Change

Change is a complex beast. You probably know just how hard it is, should you have ever helped someone through a change – including yourself.

The reason we usually resist change normally comes down to one emotion – fear. Specifically, fear of the unknown. Even with reams of information and analysis, many aspects cannot be predicted. This makes it scary to choose. The inner critic goes into overdrive.

Creating a rollercoaster of emotion – happiness and excitement to fear and anxiety.

Even the prospect of something better will not seem as alluring as it could be. It is certainly not what we view as logical!

Rather it is emotional, and emotions complicate our lives. And not always in what we think are obvious ways.

We resist change for a reason – it is trying to keep us safe. Only its definition of safety is based on what the unconscious mind has recorded as an experience. Hence why I refer to it as our Lifeguard.

Something it has yet to experience is afoot and so our Lifeguard points out it must be risky. Hence why the amygdala releases the hormones for fear, fight, or flight.

Every soul is seeking to expand and evolve. Which needs stepping into the unknown or we will repeat what we have already experienced. Not exactly where the curiosity of the soul is heading.

Denying the soul this opportunity creates internal conflicts – usually experienced as pain and dis-comfort. No matter how intense or not, the cause is the same – stuck energy which the body wants to release. Often appearing in the joints, ankle, knee and elbow, or the shoulders when change is involved.

As a guide, a right handed person will usually feel pain on their left side when holding on to a belief, the right to a fear about the future and any obligations which might be imposed.

We also resist change because it often questions our sense we alone are in control of our lives. This again triggers fear. Observing the events of 2020 shows how endemic this is.

The Secret Ways We Resist Change

Change never happens in isolation. There is a complex web of reasons behind it – changes in the business, our personal lives, our environment, or changes in expectations. Then there are the themes and patterns unfolding in the Cosmos.

Resistance to change manifests itself in multiple ways, from foot-dragging and inertia to petty sabotage to outright rebellion. Many of the people and organisations I have guided resist change through creating distraction and procrastination. Anything other than the choice to be made.

Something else is given priority until the fan is being sprayed with debris. They resist because in their perspective it makes perfect sense to them.

Daniella Whyte in her article in Inc. set out five reasons people resist change. There are people:

  1. Fear being different–especially when there is no precedent;
  2. Feel overwhelmed or stressed;
  3. Fear a departure from the status quo;
  4. Lack trust in the one making changes; and
  5. Know change brings a new set of possibilities and problems.

Typically change management experts advise leaders to give their people as much choice and control over a change as possible. Whilst this may help to some extent, the truth is we will probably still resist. Humanity simply does not enjoy change.

My experience is that by focusing on three aspects, we can overcome the psychological costs of change. Enabling us to break the chains holding us in the past. These are to focus on:

  • Dissatisfaction with the way things are now;
  • Create a positive dream or vision of the future you desire; and
  • Build concrete steps to bring the vision into creation.

When the sum total of these three is greater than the fear of loss, it is no longer possible to continue to resist change.

Choosing To No Longer Resist

Then we are willing to adapt to the new circumstances we are facing.

Yes we know change is the only real constant, yet why is that true?

Quite simply because our souls create it, they are always seeking new experiences which in turn expands all of Creation. And as I received in a channeling many years ago: “there is no intention it will stop doing so.”

Accepting that enables you to take responsibility for your life, business and personal.

This is going to be essential in this new era. The guidance is to stay true to your soul´s mission, recognising your true identity. Distracting yourself to follow the path of another will create more internal conflict.

Once you choose to no longer resist, this process will help you dis-connect your mind from the emotion holding the resistance.

  1. Feel into the emotion and locate it in your body.
  2. Focus your awareness on your heart and then drop down into the solar plexus. It is probably in your power centre the emotion is held.
  3. Ask the emotion what is the cause of what you are feeling and creating the dis-function in your body?
  4. Allow yourself to feel the emotion, isolating it from the remainder of your being. Then allow yourself to be doused with the Light of the Creator. Filling up first where the emotion is held and then as it disappears spreading through your whole body.

Commitment to self is the most important journey in 2021. Committing to yourself, to your truth above all else. This requires you to be in your power, you can learn more about the power of your solar plexus chakra here:


Please Share

My intent is to provide you with the opportunity to identify what is stopping you from accelerating your life, then helping you step through resistance to create it.

So how do you begin to accelerate your life?

Once you step through your Resistance to change your life, the next step in my TOWARDS process is to follow your Desire.

Mine is to help all to live life on their own terms. So please DO share and pass this post to others you love.

To Stepping Through What You Resist


P.S. Do contact me if you have any questions or I can be of service.


Gregory Reece-Smith, aka the Shamanic CEO, is an author, creator, speaker and shaman. He has worked in corporate and led technology companies worldwide; coaching fledgling organisations to those the size of the international operations of IKEA. He helps conscious entrepreneurs and executives integrate Insights and Inner Guidance with proven practical strategies, freeing them to accelerate their life and so their business. Lifting the beliefs that have limited their lives, growing loyal followers to become raving fans, so they quickly and consistently attract more of their ideal clients. Achieved without compromising their Spirit and values.

To assist you accelerate your life by shifting your beliefs about being the Master Of Your Life, download a copy of my latest book – the “7 Mystical Ways To Accelerate Your Business And Your Life”.

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