7 steps to accelerate your life towards your desires

Fed up with the hand life seems to be dealing you? Want to accelerate your life yet no idea what to do?

This is a question being asked by many more people as events unfold.

Most people sense change is in the air, though fear stops almost all from taking action.

Fears will always show you what could go wrong and pull you away from something. Your intuition on the other hand will always guide you TOWARDS where your soul intends you to be.

It is only your soul that can accelerate your life. Applying each of the 7 steps in my TOWARDS process will help you do so.


No-one can decide on their direction until they are aware of where they are. Taking stock includes identifying any patterns, in particular any unhealthy attitudes and addictive behaviours that have become a consistent part of your life story.


These will provide you with the opportunity to identify what is stopping you from accelerating your life as well as establishing your desired direction.


To affect any change you must be willing to do so. Thinking and talking about what you want to become is a good place to start. Nothing will change though unless you choose to change, ideally stating this out aloud or in writing.


For an intention to become a new pattern requires action. Consciously accepting the old pattern has served you in some way, choosing to replace it by a new one.


There are many ways we resist change and momentum in our lives. Our default choice is to prefer to stay the same, enjoying its comfort even if those feelings are low and draining us of energy. This is the unconscious mind, our Lifeguard operating on the “principle of least effort”.


Our Lifeguard may start to block any move to change the established pattern. This is when our soul´s desire and passion for evolution, growth and release comes to the fore, this is how we accelerate our life. Choosing to create what we desire rather than remaining the same.


For change to be sustainable it is essential to be grateful for every aspect of our life we have around us. No matter how large or small. When we do not express appreciation, how can we expect to receive more?

What I have discovered is that when we pass responsibility to others, we hand over our power to lead our lives the way we desire. Which means we move even further away from our soul´s own desires, no longer towards them.

What is the result? Usually more pain and discomfort somewhere in our mind body spirit.

Want more? Here is the story of how and why I wrote The Seven Secrets to Living in Harmony: How To Live A Life Of Harmony?

Daily Action:

Good or bad, patterns of behaviour direct your life. Observe yours and then choose whether it supports the direction you desire to move towards or not.

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My desire is to help all to live life on their own terms. So please DO share and pass this post to others you love.

To Accelerating Towards Your Desires


P.S. Do contact me if you have any questions or I can be of service.

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Gregory Reece-Smith, aka the Shamanic CEO, is an author, creator, speaker and shaman. He has worked in corporate and led technology companies worldwide; coaching fledgling organisations to those the size of the international operations of IKEA. He helps conscious entrepreneurs and executives integrate Insights and Inner Guidance with proven practical strategies, freeing them to accelerate their life and so their business. Lifting the beliefs that have limited their lives, growing loyal followers to become raving fans, so they quickly and consistently attract more of their ideal clients. Achieved without compromising their Spirit and values.

To assist you accelerate your life by shifting your beliefs about being the Master Of Your Life, download a copy of my latest book – the “7 Mystical Ways To Accelerate Your Business And Your Life”.

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