A Shaman´s perspective

This past weekend I have been guiding a group of visitors through the process of transition using plant medicine. Each has experienced many ups and downs in their lives. They have also had their spiritual awakening, yet are unsure as to their direction. Let alone the next steps to take.

Spiritual awakening is not just the goal of spiritual practice. It is the ultimate possibility for humanity.

Humanity Chose To Dis-Connect From Source

Many write about focusing your energy on letting go and letting things be. Yet often life only changes at the margins, not at the core. This is because fear of the change will often arise, as it did during the weekend.

The very process of transition will take you beyond who you thought you were. It will give you a direct experience of who you are beyond the mind. This is a part of you your mind can never know.

It can create a deep sense of fear or even dread. This is an inevitable moment all of us in the process of transition have to face. Known as The Dark Night of the Soul, to me when it appears is a good sign. However, the more the end of the process of transition seems complete, the greater the fear seems to grow. Meaning the end is nigh.

As was evident over the weekend, the prime resistance was the fear of what will happen when we awaken to who we are beyond the mind. We think it means we must not want to actually do it. We personalise the fear. This is what the ego does; it personalises everything.

Which led me to wonder – has humanity always been this way?

Probably not. As a shaman my calling is to bring harmony between Father Sky, Mother Earth and humanity. Yet looking back at the scientific and industrial revolutions, it is clear there was an idea that arose in the West by which mankind sought to emancipate itself from Spirit.

This created the belief it is human beings equipped with reason who are able to provide the prescriptive structure for society and its practices. Which can only achieved through rational decision-making.

From Workers To Consumers

Friedrich Nietzsche wrote that “God is Dead”. Which in turn created the idea humanity had already reached its zenith by the mid-19th century.

Our modern world has been built on the concept the rational human being has a near-god-like capacity for accurate reasoning. This as we know is far from the case! For over 95% of our so called rational decisions flow from our unconscious beliefs and patterns. The ones we do not know.

Realising this mis-alignment, the 21st-century is experiencing a global resurgence in seeking to re-connect to Spirit.

As it is in seeking to re-create working in partnership with Mother Earth. Re-gaining the harmony of our forebears rather than continuing with the rational view all resources only exist to be exploited. Rudolf Steiner gave his first lectures on the spiritual foundations for a renewal of agriculture almost exactly 100 years ago.

This was in response to concerns about the depletion of soils and a general deterioration of crops and livestock – the evidence suggests these issues have not been resolved. Many would say the state of Mother Earth has only worsened.

In the same period the very concept of humanity has changed. When Adam Smith published The Wealth of Nations in 1776, it embodied a view of people as workers or producers. Value was created by the labour of human beings – hence the current identification of being human is centred on work and employment.

The 20th century saw the focus on humans expand beyond work and production to encompass consumption. The rational mind moved beyond survival to consuming products and services which align with the mind´s self-image. Hence the emergence and growth of marketing.

The End Of Balance And Harmony

Capitalism becoming based on events rather than things or goods produced by human labour. The focus for human behaviour had become work to consume rather than to produce. This altered humanity´s values from being frugal to provide security to consumption being a virtue, whatever its consequence.

This change can be seen in the current questions about existing work practices and structures. Highlighted by Seth Godin in his “The end of the office” blog:

With most written communication taking far too long (a week for a letter!) and electronic communication insufficient in resolution, we built office towers to house the layers of office hierarchy that were evolving… As social creatures, many people very much need a place to go, a community to be part of, a sense of belonging and meaning. But it’s not at all clear that the 1957 office building is the best way to solve those problems.

Whilst everything in Nature revolves around balance and harmony, this is not necessary for the rational human. Meaning no longer does a balanced state exist in which energy can flow smoothly. The impact of which is visible in all our lives.

It is also impacting our human capabilities. One strand of which is detailed in KH Kim´s book “The Creativity Challenge: How We Can Recapture American Innovation”. Whilst her focus is the USA, I suspect the same decline in the creativity of children is to be found everywhere.

Her research identified that since 1990, 85% of today’s children are less creative than their 1980s counterparts – with the most striking decline occurring in the youngest children.

Message From Source

Specifically, the declines were in children’s emotional and linguistic expression, imagination, humour, unconventionality and in their ability to connect seemingly disparate concepts. The latter being vital during a process of transition as creativity is essential to make the most of the opportunities it provides, or they pass us by.

My post “The Tipping Point Of Change Is Looming”:details two models of the cycles of human evolution. In the chakra model I proposed that:

Humanity is at this tipping point of insight, wisdom and discernment… currently transiting from the throat to the third eye chakra, from isolation and separation to the unity of connection.”

The latest Message from Source provides an overview of the impact of this process of transition:

“This is a key moment in human evolution. For it is the first moment humanity as a whole has stood on the threshold of an enlightened and connected consciousness. Some have stepped through this portal before. Now is the moment when all can pass through.

This will not require hours or even weeks of devoted meditation or being aware of the right you all have to enter this aspect of your being.

Rather it is a series of moments at which each of you can choose to step through the portal and into the new world. This potential has always existed.

Then though only a few were aware of the potential, with the result nothing happened as far as humanity was concerned. Now is the first occasion when it is possible to step through as a whole – the unconscious creation by all.

The Process Of Transition To Direct Connection

And what will you find on the other side? All will look very very familiar. It is your mindset which shifts. You will still hold the same memories and view your life in the same way. Only you will not. For your mindset will adjust to your new persona. One which has left behind the old fears and beliefs and replaced them with feelings, not thoughts.

You will be consciously aware of the connection you all have to one another, rather than viewing everyone as separate from you. Once this is appreciated the emotions of separation will fade away. Why? Because they are no longer needed.

Your connection to the need to control aspects of your life will also alter. Afterall control flows from the belief it is necessary to protect myself and I alone know what is necessary. Once connection is established then we will appreciate creation is supported and encouraged, not to be drawn into a side street of control.

Once all appreciate you can access and are in direct connection with Source, creativity is available for all. Imagine the power this will create. Imagine how the physical appearance will begin to alter as its intrinsic beauty is released. Hence it will become as innovative as was the period of the Renaissance.

Where this will eventually lead depends on the choices each makes. That is what will determine the final path to walk.”    

My conclusion is “human beings” will move from viewing themselves as independent entities separated from one another. Rather people will transform themselves through engagement with others, mutually enriching each other through their relationships.

Storm Warning

This will be achieved through re-opening direct connection to Spirit. A facility we all possess, though currently only a few use. It will mean each of us accepts increased sensitivity and empathy in our lives.

Hence the question of “Who might we become?” This the rational mind cannot answer, for it only has memories of what has been experienced. It is the sensitivity of the intuitive connection which can provide insights as to what is emerging from the process of transition.

These insights will assist in making the choices which will determine the form of humanity as it emerges.

Which in turn will confirm or not the vision of the now famous Hopi prophecies. They describe this process of transition as one of Powateoni, of purification, of social and ecological disruption that will eventually bring a period of lasting peace over the world’s people.

However, before that we will have to go through the eye of the storm. Our choices will determine the ferocity of that storm.

Details as to the storm of rolling transformation over the next three years or so, can be found in my post Do You Still Want To Play A Part In Creating A New Earth? 

It is through connection we will re-discover our unlimited potential. Simple yet inspirational ideas will come to you, helping you to view life from a new perspective. Through this you will create something new, something that will be of lasting value.

Relax, unwind and enjoy the moment. This is the essence of who we are becoming, not the doing.

This will assist you make your soul connection, to free you to share your unique gifts.

Please DO share and pass this link to others you love and may need some help to create harmony in their life.

To A Calm Process of Transition


P.S. Do contact me if you have any questions or I can be of service.


Gregory Reece-Smith, the Shamanic CEO, is a Creator and International Best-Selling Author. His diverse background includes being CEO of a public company and coaching fledgling businesses as well as the executive teams of organisations such as IKEA.

His passion is using his skills and wisdom to inspire those who have what the world deems as “success” and yet their life does not feel free or fulfilled. Gregory uses his awareness and connection as a shaman to assist all to make their soul connection. Making the deep healing to share their gifts in full and so accelerate their life and business.

To assist you accelerate your life by shifting your beliefs about being the Master Of Your Life, download a copy of my latest book – the “7 Mystical Ways To Accelerate Your Business And Your Life”.

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