Your shadows hold the gifts you seek as well as your power

Welcome to The Harmonising Times as the pivotal full moon in Aries on 1st October calls us to birth our desires. To purge what we no longer desire any more and replace it with choices which have higher vibrations.

Aries is the first sign of the zodiac. As such it does not hold back. Rather it seeks to be free, choosing to be an independent sovereign being. In numerology, 1-10-2020 adds to six – the number of birth.

Be Your Rebel

It is focusing us on our shadow side so we can bring our energy into harmony. Stepping away from any co-dependency to become inter-dependent. Not being caught up in any drama which may exist around you.

During the next two weeks the influence of the wounded healer Chiron will intensify your feelings, making you very sensitive to what is unfolding. The true Chiron journey is when we use this to heal our psychic wounding.

Because the moon is in Aries, there is a desire for freedom. Rebelling against any kind of emotional constriction. It also enhances your ability to heal yourself.

The influence of Uranus is to encourage you to set yourself free, using your intuition to invite you to receive inspiration that shifts your life.

This quickening in the pace requires us to approach situations from a new direction.

Releasing what is frustrating you as Mars pushes you to take a risk. One though with Mars retrograde, means going within. Breathing deeply and slowly so you have the patience to listen for what is called for. Feeling not thinking the call.

We are entering a pivotal moment in human history. So we all need to create space to not rush into life. Hence, stay calm and trust your intuition to bring in the inspiration that allows you to sense everything is going to be fine.

Pluto, Saturn and Jupiter are currently in a triple conjunction in Capricorn – this has not happened for thousands of years. In these paradigm-shifting times of global healing and truth, all are being asked to step up our game and shine the light we hold within.

Which raises the questions of what:

  • Is your vision for the future?
  • Are you aiming to create before 2020 comes to a close?

Potential, Momentum And Transformation

With both Chiron and the moon in Aries, and Aries’ ruler, Mars, also in Aries, this full moon may consciously or unconsciously surface old emotional scars and wounds.

These can be in society as well as your personal life. No matter the outcome, what are the scars you came away with? How might those be surfacing now for you to look at and work on healing at ever deeper levels?

Aries is about action and taking risks. This full moon in particular and its duration from late June 2020 to 7th January 2021, makes it especially important to take action toward what you desire. 

Being active, becoming involved, and doing something will help you channel any worries you may have about the future into constructive action.

It is going to make these weeks to 21st December feel the most intense ones of this year of chaos and change. October and November will feel like a very deep purging. All beliefs that no longer serve our evolution are going to be released.

Full moons reveal potential, momentum and transformation. In other words, they provide the ideal moment to cleanse the emotional body, so changing the beliefs held by our mental body.

This can very often be uncomfortable. Hence the need to purge, and Mother Earth is helping us with an abundant fig harvest!

The influence of Chiron, the wounded healer, on this moon indicates the surfacing of an original wound. We all have one. At birth we had a weakness which is intended we turn into a strength.

The essence of Aries is “I am, I exist” so this moon is likely to raise questions of: “do I have a right to exist; what am I doing here, what is my purpose?”

Birth Your Leadership 

This is meant to be turned into leadership. Whilst for some this maybe speaking to myriads of people, the focus is being the leader of your life. Pursuing your desires, not being the pawn of others.

If you are not the leader of your life then probably this will be felt in the digestive system and the solar plexus.

Your power lies in the frequency of energy that you hold. The more you ground yourself in the higher frequencies of energy, the more resilient and influential you will be.

The full moon and other shifts, such as Saturn going direct on 29th September, want us to let go of the person you ‘thought you should be’, and discover the soul of who you really are.

Remember the emerging new era is based on working with Spirit. Co-operation, understanding and compassion will be the new ways of society. Bring your friendly competitiveness to a climax, and make some bold power moves when it comes to any project you have been working toward.

That said, with Mars retrograde until 13th November, wait until after that date to launch anything! It is though ideal for beta testing and experimenting.

Contrary to the usual energy of Mars, the retrograde means go slow. Identify your deep desires so you can birth them. The influence of Uranus is guiding you to be benevolently rebellious over the next four weeks.

6th October is the day Mother Earth is closest to the red planet Mars. It will not be so close again until September 2035.

My suspicion is Mars going direct on 13rh November could be the moment when Mother Earth provides a reminder of her presence and the fact her contract with humanity is transforming. This will be visible as a geo-physical event.

Four Questions To Guide Your Direction

As indicated before, our reaction will determine whether other events are needed to re-align our connection with Mother Earth.

At a personal level these manifest as opposition between the themes of the material and spiritual. Wealth versus debt, material versus spiritual, nourishment versus loss, food versus elimination, life versus death.

Expect these themes to be highlighted in extreme ways over the next 18 months. Mother Earth and ourselves are facing the extremes of life and death very acutely. The polarities of light and shadow will widen. Hence it will be even more important to choose and declare your direction.

Each of us will need to answer these four questions:

  1. Does your way of earning income sustain you?
  2. Does it sustain Mother Earth?
  3. Are you aligned with your dharma, your reason for being here or not?
  4. Are you moving in a direction that supports your life or death?

Each of us is being asked to awaken from our slumber and the shadows that keep us in lack and fear. You have the choice to take the leap toward your dreams, desires, joy, and inner wisdom. When you hide your abilities, gifts and skills you help no-one.

When you hide from the path you chose before you incarnated, you are hiding from your celestial family and the well-being of Mother Earth.

This is the crossroads…

…the choices we make will determine the lives of the coming generations.

As I observe this experiment continuing to unfold, I am amazed by the incredible potential it offers us all and the speed at which it is evolving…

…it is our choice what we birth from this chrysalis.

Three Perspectives To Birth Your Choices

Not making it happen, rather allowing to happen. Realising each of us is on a journey with only one specific outcome – to be yourself! Once we do so then we choose to evolve beyond the mind, leaving it to focus on what it is good at.

According to Human Design, humanity is coming to the end of a 400 year cycle. We are in the last seven years of the current form of society and its structures. Humanity is moving from the tribal to the individual. To be the self rather than following the model. New structures to support this will be needed.

Would you like an experienced viewpoint, a fresh perspective and practical pointers, this really is my speciality. Whether about shifting energy, joining the dots to gain insight into anything, stuck situations, releasing ingrained ancestral patterns or having an expert sounding board for plans, all of these are what I love to help with.

Then schedule an Accelerate Your Life Sessionwith me. Or, email me by clicking on the contact tab to explore possibilities.

My sense for these next weeks is to focus on self-care and reflecting on the most important message for you.

There are three basic perspectives available to us when we encounter any aspect of our inner or outer worlds.

We can think, feel, or be. From a soul embodiment perspective, these relate to the head, heart and hips.

Thinking focuses mostly on problem solving and maintaining our safety.

Feeling generally focuses on a sense of independence and achieving the dream we have empowered for ourself.

Message From Source

Being always opens a pathway to a deep experience of presence. It requires no set of external circumstances to exist. No matter the challenging or upsetting circumstances, being present is always available. From presence flows peace and love.

This process is universal. Every aspect of one’s inner or outer world is impacted by each of these three perspectives.

Within the deepest shadow and most disturbed parts of yourself, you will actually find the missing pieces you are desperately seeking to lead your whole and empowered life.

It is in these shadows you will find the gifts you seek as well as your power.

The latest Message from Source indicates:

“Be aware this is a transition point, not only for humanity. It is influencing your own galaxy and all of Creation. The decisions made over the coming weeks will have effects way beyond your current year. There will be a pushback by those who prefer to remain where they believe they are rather than stepping into the new.

This will play out as a revolution, though it will not be for change. There will also be those who mis-interpret what is unfolding for their own purpose.

Be aware these will have an effect. The outcome will depend on the actions, words and deeds you all take, or choose not to. All is acting on the melting pot of what is unfolding. 

The greater is your commitment to your own evolution, the more you will create the world you desire to surround you. This is not a moment to ignore what is unfolding, especially for those who have stepped away from the established norms.

Be yourself and choose your path, this is the essential element you all need to choose.“

Mercury On Power

Which reminds me of this quote from Peter Marshall:

“May we think of freedom not as the right to do as we please, but as the opportunity to do what is right.”

Three days after the full moon Pluto stations direct. Meaning within a week or so issues about power will be amplified. Really this is about anyone who has power over you, including government and large institutions.

On 9th October Mars teams up with Pluto, indicating power struggles where imbalances exist. 11th October the Sun teams up with the expansion minded Jupiter. Encouraging us all to create a dynamic balance through hearing all sides of any discussion.

13th October brings one of the most important retrogrades of 2020 – Mercury in Scorpio. Yes there have already been two Mercury retrogrades this year. This one though has an emphasis on the way collective power and wealth has been applied.

Mercury goes direct on 3rd November – an interesting symbol date wise!

The new moon in Libra rises on 16th October, pointing us in the direction of finding equitable balance within ourselves and our world around us.

Remember the more you lift your vibration, the more you lift others with you. This is crucial as we move through the next few months, let alone years of the “shift” that is underway.

We need now to move beyond the conscious mind and reach into the psychic wounds. This is not found through rationalisation or steeling oneself for more abuse, rather through retreating into the sacred space of the soul.

This is where myth, metaphors, dreams and oracles open pathways to healing the traumas buried deep within each of us. It is these which we then experience on the world around us.

Please Share

My desire is to help all to live life on their own terms. So please DO share and pass this post to others you love.

To Being At Your Birth  


P.S. Do contact me if you have any questions or I can be of service.


Gregory Reece-Smith, aka the Shamanic CEO, is an author, creator, speaker and shaman. He has worked in corporate and led technology companies worldwide; coaching fledgling organisations to those the size of the international operations of IKEA. He helps conscious entrepreneurs and executives integrate Insights and Inner Guidance with proven practical strategies, freeing them to accelerate their life and so their business. Lifting the beliefs that have limited their lives, growing loyal followers to become raving fans, so they quickly and consistently attract more of their ideal clients. Achieved without compromising their Spirit and values.

To assist you accelerate your life by shifting your beliefs about being the Master Of Your Life, download a copy of my latest book – the “7 Mystical Ways To Accelerate Your Business And Your Life”.

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