We cannot transform what we refuse to look at, or what we are unwilling to feel

Fun and joy, where do they fit into current events and what is unfolding? The new moon in Capricorn on 13th January has set the tone for this lunar cycle. The sun and moon were within a degree of Pluto, planet of transformation.

Pluto is relentless and unstoppable in its focus on the cycle of life, death and re-birth.

Its experiences are the ultimate soul journey. When you feel all alone with your soul and there is no one to turn to. We are being asked to question: “Who am I, really? Am I a terrible person? Or am I a truly good person, no matter what others say or think of me?”

We are being offered the opportunity to command our personal integrity and let our soul take the lead, regardless of how we believe we are judged by others. Being true to ourselves, our own values and ideas.

Prepare For The Coming Tugs of War

Pluto in Capricorn oversees the structures of society relating to power and authority. Asking us to re-think and create very differently a legacy which will last.

In this we are being helped make important decisions by no planets being retrograde between 14th and 30th January.

Another dynamic appears on 20th January when Mars conjuncts Uranus, the planet of change, rebellion and innovation. Mars is the planet of fire and confidence, passion and the energy of new directions.

Both will be in the fixed Earth sign Taurus. Suggesting their pairing represents a need to rebel, break free, create change — quickly. However, being in slow, steady, sleepy, and grounded Taurus, this aggressive energy could be more frustrated rather than fuelled.

Uranus, the planet leading a collective push for breakthroughs and change, is in Taurus until 2028. On three occasions in 2021 it will meet with Saturn, the planet of structure, in Aquarius. These are: 17th February, 14th June, and 24th December.

Meaning 2021 as a whole will experience a tug-of-war between our desires to build a new society with fresh, radical ideals, and the comfort of staying connected to the status quo. Holding on to what feels familiar, even if outdated.

As we adjust to the changing cosmic tides, patience will be essential during this first quarter of 2021. We must not forget the more we push to change something, the longer it takes to appear.

Our collective efforts at building a better society will have an impact, particularly from the end of March when Mars enters Gemini. This is when we will feel greater momentum in our lives.

As Saturn and Pluto end their retrograde in early October, we may start to feel as though the worst of the COVID-19 pandemic is past.

A Message From Source

The latest Message from Source indicates the nature of change underway:

“The energy of change is now becoming embedded in society. Though many are yet unaware of how change is unfolding, all will very soon become so. This is a root and branch re-set and as such is going to create something wholly new.

All aspects of society will be affected. There will also be those who hanker to return to what they viewed as a golden period. This is not and has never been possible. It fails to recognise the constant flow of expansion and evolution. This is not a law, it is fundamental to the process of Creation across all time, space and realities.

View now how change is unfolding. Focus on what it is you desire to be in your life. Certainly not what you do not want. That is a recipe for limitation. Much will appear and re-appear over the coming period. For many it will not seem to be an easy transition. Those who set out what they desire will find the flow far easier, even if what appears is not quite what they desired.”

20th January adds to a universal day of eight. Signifying infinity, leaving a legacy behind of some nature. The 20 emphasises harmony, diplomacy and listening. Together they indicate leadership. Accepting responsibility for your life – blaming others is NOT a mark of leadership.

We need to step out of judging others and step into acceptance and compassion. The 20th will intensify your creativity, your ability to connect to wondrous ideas. It will also bring a yearning for independence and freedom – the Age of Aquarius.

When Mars and Uranus come together it empowers our alertness. Notifying you of surprising developments, which are very much in play during January.

Allow Fun and Joy Into Your Life  

To have fun and joy. Though from a place of being calm rather than doing. The very essence of Taurus.

The opportunity we are being offered is to learn to shift into a place where you can consciously maintain your high vibration. Despite being in the presence of others focused on judgement, jealousy, aggression and separation from the Creator.

Which is where the patience of Taurus comes into play. Being present in Nature, listening to music, meditating all will help create presence. The objective is to be the observer of your life, no longer judging yourself and how it is unfolding.

Being the listener, rather than following the impulsive nature of the ego, instead the presence of the soul. Not needing to state an opinion in order to elicit a reaction.

When a person speaks from the ego they want to demonstrate what they think they know, what they have discovered, a drama about events or give an opinion on this and that. These are the pastimes of the ego to create separation not cohesion.

As is offering an unsolicited opinion when nor requested. Rather follow your presence. I help create this for me with my daily yoga practice, being in Nature, deep breathing or silent meditation.

Remember the ego cannot identify itself, whilst you can consciously be aware of your presence – your soul! Though it cannot be found in the noise of your mind.

Are you reacting emotionally or choosing to respond to current events? Giving your power away or digging deep and finding your power within? Being kind to yourself and others or judgemental and intolerant?

Be mindful, because you are setting the stage right now for the rest of 2021.

Hence my focus on having fun and joy.

Be Curious About Events As They Unfold

January sets the stage, or is the “opening shot” for what we will be working through for the rest of 2021.

This month Pluto is ensuring we really look beneath the surface of our life. Exposing any dark places is the first step in transforming them. We cannot transform what we refuse to look at, or what we are unwilling to feel.

So how are you reacting to events in your life and the world as they unfold? This is the “karma” you are seeding for the future. Are you reacting emotionally or choosing to respond?

Giving your power away or digging deep and finding your power within? Being kind to yourself and others or judgemental and intolerant? 

Living a life of fun and joy or not allowing it to have a place in your life?

Be curious about strong emotional triggers and without shame or judgement, view them as signposts to important, empowering information.

Which means 2021 will be a year of tension and stress. In particular emotions flowing from the root chakra. These emotions could feel larger than life as the stress and pressure increase, connecting to your solar plexus.

Much of my life story has been about internal conflicts presenting through the root chakra, you can learn more in this story:

Not met any of your new year resolutions yet, or forgotten them completely? The majority of people are in exactly the same boat. Most also believe what they have read about written goals being essential to achieve success – even though according to Yale University, the cited 1953 study, never took place!

Your Future Is Yours To Make

I learnt about the acronym SMART goals during my MBA studies and taught it for several years afterwards. Now I guide people to tap into their deepest wisdom, their gut instinct, or following their soul´s desires. Helping them to explore opportunities others do not sense.

This is not seeking to win, rather playing with the rules to explore boundless opportunities whilst having fun and joy. This to me is the essential approach to make the most of the opportunities being offered by the unfolding events.

The choice for us all is whether to fly through the multitude of tsunamis that will come your way. Or, whether to renounce your freewill and be dragged/drowned through the turbulent undercurrent of control.

This is your choice for January. To quote from another channelling:

“Your future is changing based upon your focus, thoughts, desires and decisions you make from moment to moment.

You are the creator of your future. When a future is predicted, it is only one of an infinite number of possibilities.”

Each of us has the power to choose whether or not we accept these infinite possibilities. 2021 is not the year of putting the shattered pieces of 2020 back together, that starts in 2022. Instead 2021 is for determining whether any of the shattered pieces need to be retained at all?

The opportunity is to envision an entirely new set of jigsaw pieces for your life.

The Cosmos has decided we need another nudge with regard to acting on the energies of the 20th January Mars Uranus conjunction. For the two form a T square to the sun and moon at the 28th January full moon in Leo.

With both in the Earth sign Taurus, it literally will feel the Earth is quaking – internally or externally.

The Metal Ox Heralds

Leo likes to be visible, living life to the full as we create. Leo governs love, being in love with life. Breaking free to follow our soul´s desires.

The Chinese new year on 12th February heralds the year of the Metal Ox. The most respected Feng Shui Masters foresee 12 months of financial turbulence…

…however, they also foresee a boom for wealth creation because metal represents: jewellery, precious metals, treasure – aka money. Oxen are also strong, hard-working, steady and unwavering. Once pointed in a direction they simply step toward it.

Our last Ox year was 2009, when the very first BitCoin was created. The previous Metal Ox year was 1961 – when the world experienced sweeping transformations, massive turbulence, and global consequences.

Which is why the Metal Ox is a year of opportunity, once you allow yourself to renew. Turning shadow into light in the most important areas of your life.

Should you be stuck in mental activity and unsure as to how to be present to allow your opportunities appear, here is a process:

Daily Action:

  • Go into Nature, centre yourself and ask only one questionwhat is the next step which is in my highest good and purpose?
  • Explore the answer, though NOT from the point of what you need to do. As soon as you do your mind will kick in with its own agenda.
  • Assess how you feel about it, this is your sanity checker. The more anxiety you feel the better!
  • Write down the decision and then sleep on it.
  • Observe any dreams connected to the decision. Remember these come from your unconscious mind, your Lifeguard. Once it knows this is your direction, ideas will emerge as to the next steps to take.

Please Share Your Fun And Joy

Above all else, know that whatever decision you make is the best one. This is because you control your own destiny and have taken responsibility for it.

The pulsating energy stream to the new moon on 11th February is incredibly dynamic for manifesting any upgrade in your life.

More will be unearthed and foundations we rely on shaken up only to reveal new openings and ways of being. Letting go of old beliefs, hang-ups, attachments is essential to our awakening.

My desire is to help all to live life on their own terms, ideally having fun and joy. So please DO share and pass this post to others you love.

To Creating Fun and Joy In Your Life


P.S. Do contact me if you have any questions or I can be of service.


Gregory Reece-Smith, aka the Shamanic CEO, is an author, creator, speaker and shaman. He has worked in corporate and led technology companies worldwide; coaching fledgling organisations to those the size of the international operations of IKEA. He helps conscious entrepreneurs and executives integrate Insights and Inner Guidance with proven practical strategies, freeing them to accelerate their life and so their business. Lifting the beliefs that have limited their lives, growing loyal followers to become raving fans, so they quickly and consistently attract more of their ideal clients. Achieved without compromising their Spirit and values.

To assist you accelerate your life by shifting your beliefs about being the Master Of Your Life, download a copy of my latest book – the “7 Mystical Ways To Accelerate Your Business And Your Life”.

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