Freedom is the direction we are headed

Welcome to The Harmonising Times as the Leo new moon on the 19th asked what is it you really like and want?

Leo is the most passionate and fiery sign of the zodiac and is set to send ripples through Mother Earth. As its spotlight shines on the wonderful new you, be aware should you not be true to yourself, you will be exposed!

Whilst you might believe you know who you are, Leo has no interest in supporting false beliefs you may hold about yourself. The lion is here to unearth that inner roar buried deep within you.

Value Yourself And Your Beliefs

Building on the Lion´s Gate portal, this new moon has much creative power because it is childlike. It believes in itself and is not hindered by overthinking or inhibition, rather there is a burning desire to create.

This lunar cycle asks us regulate our energy and vitality to match our capacity for emotional balance.

This Leo moon places unlimited creative power in your hands. Encouraging you to create your dream life, whatever you happen to be doing at this moment.

Have the courage to own your truth. Value yourself and your personal beliefs. Step-up to all you know, allow yourself to feel into your heart.

Which means letting go of the comparison, judgement, expectations that society, friends, family maybe placing upon you during this great awakening.

Mars is adding his fire to this new moon. Increasing the energy, resourcefulness and illuminated vision to shatter the old and give space for the new to flow.

For those caught in their minds, or dis-connected from their hearts through fear, the Mars energy and aspects may cause friction, raise tempers, and create more of a siege mentality. 

Most of us hold onto a self-image we have created, which we believe makes us lovable – or at least ensures our needs are met. If we believe we need to be reliable or generous or perfect or successful or agreeable in order to be loved, these are messages we absorbed in childhood.

Any moment we fail to live up to that self-image is when we begin to feel guilty, shameful, unlovable or ‘not enough’.

Suggesting a lack of self-love is at work. Self-love is the ability to be good to yourself, no matter who is or is not good to you. Your self-worth rises as you treat your heart to the friendship, support, honour, and validation you deserve.

Seeking Fulfilment And Deeper?

This eases you away from those who say one thing and do another, make promises only to break them on a regular basis, or take their unprocessed pain out on you.

When self-love is active, you are able to honour everyone’s potential. Rather you are able to have a point of view, establish healthy boundaries, and utilise the power of your roar, your voice — all from the graceful power of an open heart.

In self-love, you no longer need the agreement of others to set yourself free or anyone’s permission to be as you desire.

The signs suggest such freedom is the direction we are headed.

Once you do so, other members of your soul tribe will appear. What often calls them forward into your space is how consistently you are willing to emotionally support yourself.

The most direct way to heal yourself and transform Mother Earth occurs within the same heart-centred space.

In numerology August is a three month. The three is about expressing yourself and speaking up. Find what inspires you and gives you joy, then express it to others.

Which means you have clarity as to what you want. This is the moment when you move beyond feeling unfulfilled despite life and career success, at least in the traditional sense! It is certainly what I had been pursuing for most of my life.

We are moving into a period when each of us desires to be working on something which provides fulfilment and deeper meaning. All aligned with our abilities, purpose, gifts and passions.

This new moon in Leo is about making space for yourself to open your mind, shine a light on your truth and prepare yourself to pioneer a new cycle as you joyously dance with the evolutionary cycles of life.

What Is You Really Want?

So think carefully: what is it you want…

…you really really want?

Once you have written them down, then ask yourself will you be:

  • Living in integrity?
  • Living fairly, honestly and sustainably?
  • Willing to stand up and be counted for what you believe in?

For the new Mother Earth to grow up around us, it needs your conscious participation. Sitting on the side-lines is not an option!

Especially with Uranus bringing a period of sudden dramatic change and the next few weeks will experience that quite strongly. Both in our own inner worlds and externally.

Anywhere we are hiding from ourselves is likely to surface to be recognised.

Would like an experienced viewpoint, a fresh perspective and practical pointers, this really is my speciality. Whether about shifting energy, joining the dots to gain insight into anything, stuck situations, releasing ingrained ancestral patterns or having an expert sounding board for plans, all of these are what I love to help with.

Then schedule an Accelerate Your Life Session with me. Or, email me by clicking on the contact tab to explore possibilities.

This new moon brings opportunities to make art and tell stories that express your vision for the future. To share the deeper awareness that is unfolding in your consciousness.

We are coming to the last quarter of a year-long process of breakdown with the opportunity to re-configure our lives. Be patient, because re-configuring is more likely to be completed in 2021.

Mars is the planet leading this last part of 2020.

Find Your Courage, Speak Your Truth

It has recently moved into its own sign of Aries. Unusually it will remain there for a total of six months rather than the usual six weeks it moves through each sign. This is because it goes retrograde in Aries on 9th September and re-enters Pisces on 4th October.

The last occasion Mars retrograded in Aries was in 1988, just before the Berlin wall came down.

Now, Mars is on a mission to bring the divine masculine within each of us into balance with the divine feminine.

It will begin this by firing up your inner resources of courage and passion.

Creating the future you want requires you first state what is important to you – the roar of the lion.

Find your courage, and speak your truth. Mother Earth needs you to! Also Saturn is pushing each of us to live the part we incarnated to play.

To quote the bard William Shakespeare:

“Our doubts are traitors,

and make us lose the good we oft might win,

by fearing to attempt.”

We are entering a period of extremely volatile astrology that will amplify the polarised conflicts already set in motion. Many situations will unfold that require you to turn your attention inwards in order to receive solutions and inspiration on how to proceed.

Because this is initiated by Mars, they will seem to be happening instantly.

So much so it may feel like the very first occasion you are stepping up to act on the internal impulses of your intuition.

The focus is on your ongoing creative process, personal journey, and soul growth. In particular what has been re-worked since August 2017 when we had that robust Leo total solar eclipse.

Even though you may not yet be sure how it will fit in your world.

Want To Live In Chaos Or Be Controlled? 

Leo energy is aligned to the solar plexus. Brightening your life, strengthening what you thought has been lost.

My post: Lost Your Power? Want Money To Flow To You? indicates the type of message your solar plexus is sending as an indicator of your success.

There is a close association between the solar plexus and the throat. Meaning when we do not speak our truth about ourself, one or both can exhibit pain and dis-comfort.

On 2nd September a full moon rises in the sign of Pisces, reminding us of the need to consider our spiritual and emotional wellness. The key to balance lies in identifying and expressing our spiritual needs while maintaining order in our everyday lives.

Neglecting either end of this Virgo-Pisces axis will surely backfire—we would either be living in chaos or excessive order.

Should you be engaged in a creative or spiritual search, you will benefit from the great imagination of Pisces.

Mars remains retrograde in Aries until 13th November. During October to December the themes will be opening and closing, losses and arrivals. Look for fresh starts, renewal, opening and beginnings once Mars enters Aries again as 2021 arrives.

We are being asked to re-assess our current projects and our approach to achieving what we want.

Currently all three of the junction points between Water and Fire in the zodiac are wide open. Meaning the coming weeks are especially vulnerable and delicate.

Whilst not the moment to take unnecessary risks, it is for doing your inner work and overcoming obstacles on your spiritual path.

Use Your Power For What You Want

The cycle ahead is asking you to be more vigilant with your power- how you use it, why you use it, what it means for you. Is there harmony in your relationship with the power of your divine masculine and inner strength?

The latest Message From Source indicates:

“Be open to what is unfolding, there will soon be a rush of changes for you all to re-act to and observe. Whilst not all may seem beneficial, know they are. Though this will require a different perspective.

Remember you have the freedom to create your own future, no-one else. This is the theme of this phase. Each of you needs to accept this and take responsibility for what then unfolds.”

Flow with Nature, feel Spirit breathe through you.

Please Share

My desire is to help all to live life on their own terms. So please DO share and pass this post to others you love.

To Living As You Want


P.S. Do contact me if you have any questions or I can be of service.


Gregory Reece-Smith, aka the Shamanic CEO, is an author, creator, speaker and shaman. He has worked in corporate and led technology companies worldwide; coaching fledgling organisations to those the size of the international operations of IKEA. He helps conscious entrepreneurs and executives integrate Insights and Inner Guidance with proven practical strategies, freeing them to accelerate their life and so their business. Lifting the beliefs that have limited their lives, growing loyal followers to become raving fans, so they quickly and consistently attract more of their ideal clients. Achieved without compromising their Spirit and values.

To assist you accelerate your life by shifting your beliefs about being the Master Of Your Life, download a copy of my latest book – the “7 Mystical Ways To Accelerate Your Business And Your Life”.

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