Your deeper connection to the creator is waiting to be discovered

Welcome to The Harmonising Times as the new moon in Libra on 16th October called us to take the wheel, to steer in the direction of our choice. It also brings opportunities to choose how we want the future to be.

Libra is the sign of the peacemaker. Its lessons are those of collaboration, partnership, and taking a moment to walk in another person’s shoes. Libra is asking if we want to create a more peaceful world?

Take Hold Of The Wheel Of Your Life

The new moon asks us to take action to begin the creation of the world we desire. This comes from taking seemingly small, personal actions. Ones which will often confront our comfort zone. Even big, obvious ones require personal action rather than inaction.

Your efforts and your willingness to take responsibility for your actions, attitudes and behaviours, are what help to create peace.

Lasting peace requires those who have traditionally been silenced to have their voices heard. This is going to impact relationships. It is the moment when we can choose not to continue to pass our power to others.

Not allowing someone or some many, no matter how apparently well-meaning. to direct the course of your life. We need to take hold of the wheel and steer in the direction of our choosing.

No longer to be steamrollered by a person, group, society or organisation to determine your direction. Which also means correcting injustices and working toward the common good.

Libra is ruled by Venus, the Divine Feminine, and the moon is opposite Mars – the Sacred Masculine. Hence why creating balance and harmony is the order of this lunation. Setting the scene for the further changes coming.

The influence of Mars, albeit retrograde, brings a sense of assertiveness. Particularly when involving new beginnings. If you feel impulsive, anxious, nervous, frustrated or angry, it is essential to first breathe deeply. This will create balance and inner peace so guarding against aggression.

In this you will be supported by the new moon opening the doors to a powerful ten day cycle of potent Divine Feminine wisdom and support.

Its ripples will be felt even more intensely as this new moon is also a super moon.

Can You Love And Be Loved?  

This moon will also challenge the very foundations of ALL the relationships within your life. The internal conflicts it creates have the power to open doors to opportunity and growth.

That said, the influence of being retrograde on action orientated Mars will probably mean endless delays, roadblocks, setbacks and detours along your path. Rather than becoming aggravated, use them to ascertain how these delays can serve you – as I have had to do!

One such awareness could be to accept you cannot change a global system that is fundamentally broken at its very foundations. The only person you can change is yourself.

You can change your relationship with the ‘story‘ that is currently playing out. You can also create a new model when you stand outside the confines of the system that is decaying.

Self-knowledge, growth, evolution, expansion, imagination, and creation, are determined by what is going on inside you, NOT outside. And Venus in Virgo is about bringing order to and cleaning up the heart space within.

Underneath the tone of everything is the quiet loving insistence to bring back into balance with love that nurtures everything.

Regardless of our politics, theories, or consciousness, our joy, contentment, and growth in life has to do with whether we can love and be loved.

October is the month where we realise we are at the tipping point. We cannot turn back for the wheel has turned and the past no longer exists.

The new moon is at 23° Libra, invoking the strongest number in numerology – the symbol of the Royal Star of the Lion. Creating supreme balance between the Divine Feminine and Sacred Masculine.

Providing another of the foundations to 2020 opening the gateway of perfect vision through intuition. Doing so will need unprecedented adjustments and major shifts both personally and collectively.

2021 Will Steer Us Toward…

2021 will be more open and certainly more free-flowing and positive. As a 5 Universal year its energy represents change, liberation, exploration, risk, adventure, connection, crowds, communication, travel, enthusiasm and freedom.

Unexpected events will happen whilst changes will tend to be more acceptable and tolerated. The year will also test us with temptations as it acts as the bridge between the 20th and 21st centuries.

There are only two months remaining to clear out old paradigms, discover new directions, become centred and listen closely as you fine-tune your intuition.

2021 leads us into the Aquarian Age. Meaning we will come to view current events as helping lead us to create a new life of liberation – setting ourselves free from the past in ways we would have never expected. One which has play as the keyword.

There is also an extra focus on assessing how we come together, how we engage, and how we consider one another. Uranus stays in Taurus, giving unexpected energy to money and resources.

Jupiter and Saturn, the two arbiters of social consciousness, conjunct in the communal fixed Air-sign Aquarius. This instigates a 30-year revolution in our Aquarian concept of community and social responsibility.

We will also be called to truly think globally and act locally. Though this is just a tempting taste for the big social and political work which will be needed when Pluto enters Aquarius in 2023–2044.

The last such relationship was from 1777–1798, when the USA struggled to form a country that embodied its Constitutional vision statement. Suggesting all such “contracts” could be under close review. The approach being one of is it serving the community or individuals?

Collaboration, Community And Communication

My sense is 2021 will be marked by a series of pivot points designed to shift you into a playful exciting momentum. This positive transformation though maybe restrained by some of your unconscious habits. Ones self-sabotaging your progress, as your intentions are not aligned with the desires of your Lifeguard, your unconscious mind.

More insights as to the themes of 2021 can be found in my post:

Though it may not be until 2023 when Pluto moves from Capricorn to Aquarius we see completion of the de-construction of the “old order”. That said 27th October sees Uranus, the Great Awakener at its closest point to Mother Earth. The combination with Mars at its closest suggests an intensity of revelations and geo-physical activity.    

A way-point before the shift on 21st December into Aquarius and from 200 years of the element Earth into Air signs. Collaboration and community, placing responsibility with ourselves, with humanity, with the collective being the new order. No longer passing responsibility over to others, such as governments.

There will be strong and sustained energy flowing from now, through November and into December. Its effects will continue to be felt by all as we adjust to the  higher frequencies of light scientists have observed arriving on Mother Earth.

The question for all of us is what frequency do we radiate? For quantum science confirms events and experiences coalesce around the frequency we are broadcasting. This is created by what dominates our thoughts and words. Abundance or lack, peace or aggression for example.

This we create by finding pace in Nature and centring ourself. Which is why the usual distractions are being put out of reach.

Choose feelings of love, joy, gratitude and freedom rather than the established patterns of behaviour and words. Have the strength to dominate your reality, to steer it in the direction you choose.

Five Questions To Help Alignment

Your digestive system will let you know whether you are following your own path or that of others.

Like to leverage my decades of experience and investment and learn how to take all the guesswork out of achieving results over the next year? Obtain a fresh perspective and practical pointers, this really is my speciality.

Then schedule an “Accelerate Your Life Session with me. Or, email me by clicking on the contact tab to explore possibilities.

Being always opens a pathway to a deep experience of presence. It requires no set of external circumstances to exist. No matter the challenging or upsetting circumstances, being present is always available. From presence flows peace and love.

This process is universal. Every aspect of your inner or outer world is impacted by each of these three perspectives.

Take extra care of your physical and spiritual bodies, adding more rest and standing back into your routine.

The need to prepare for and navigate the coming changes makes this a fragile period. It requires patience, gentleness, and hope. Stay connected to your truth, and simple joy.

Here are five questions to help you create alignment:

  1. Where is your thinking stuck, rather than taking action?
  2. What action steps have you been putting off?
  3. What plans need to be made?
  4. What steps can you take to steer you toward to your vision?
  5. What projects need your concentrated attention and focus right now?

With all the current turmoil in the “outside world,” it helps remember that is precisely where it is – OUTSIDE. And when it comes to self-knowledge, growth, evolution, expansion, imagination, and creation, this is going on INSIDE – which ultimately is what really matters.

Message From Source

The latest Message from Source indicates:

This may seem to be the moment of delay and frustration… Now bring forth your own vision and dreams, sitting simmering will not bring them into creation. This is the moment to open your eyes to what you can create beyond what is on the news.

In doing so you will assist in the creation of what you and so all of you desire. This is the phase humanity and your Earth are passing through. Each soul is making its own choice as to how it desires its next phase of development to unfold.

For some it will be to depart, others to sit and wonder what will unfold and for others to take action so create what they desire.

This is beyond the experience of most souls in terms of its impact on the nature of humanity and so all of Creation. That are new strands which will be woven into what is unfolding. Strands which will make this a fortuitous period for all engaged with the process. The journey will be fruitful for all who engage with the nature of that engagement.

Until 27th October Mercury is retrograde in Scorpio, putting us in touch with our instincts, motivations and shadow side. It will also increase our sensitivity or emotional “radar”.

Mercury then moves into Libra, allowing our minds to bounce back and forth between alternatives, slowing our decision making. Our observations will tend to be particularly idealised.

Mercury goes direct on 3rd November. 31st October brings the second full moon in Taurus. Its purpose to re-awaken an urgent interest in the physical world and our own sensual needs and desires.

Tightly aligned with Uranus, this will bring some excitement and/or tension to our lives, leading to a new perspective.

Please Share

We are at the culminating point of 2020. Whilst it may seem difficult, now is the moment to recognise the deeper, hidden gifts of this year, reflect on, and integrate the lessons you have learnt before the wheel turns again.. .

And resolve to make the necessary changes you are being asked to make in your life.

My desire is to help all to live life on their own terms. So please DO share and pass this post to others you love.

To Steer In The Direction Of Your Choice 


P.S. Do contact me if you have any questions or I can be of service.

Also, connect with me here: LinkedInFacebookMedium —  PinterestTwitter


Gregory Reece-Smith, aka the Shamanic CEO, is an author, creator, speaker and shaman. He has worked in corporate and led technology companies worldwide; coaching fledgling organisations to those the size of the international operations of IKEA. He helps conscious entrepreneurs and executives integrate Insights and Inner Guidance with proven practical strategies, freeing them to accelerate their life and so their business. Lifting the beliefs that have limited their lives, growing loyal followers to become raving fans, so they quickly and consistently attract more of their ideal clients. Achieved without compromising their Spirit and values.

To assist you accelerate your life by shifting your beliefs about being the Master Of Your Life, download a copy of my latest book – the “7 Mystical Ways To Accelerate Your Business And Your Life”.

More valuable information is here


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