Your Soft Power Can Create Lasting Change 😄

Your Soft Power Can Create Lasting Change 😄

As you journey through this lunar cycle, remember the key to unlocking the soft power to be you lies in alignment with your authentic self and your core values.

When you speak and act from this place of integrity and truth, your influence naturally grows and your ability to create lasting change expands.

Trust in the soft power of your presence, your words, and your actions to create ripples of change.

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Focus Your Will To Create Your Reality 🙂

Focus Your Will To Create Your Reality 🙂

We live in a period of immense possibility — one where we can individually and collectively tune into the higher vibrational frequencies that support the cultivation of what each of us focus on.

Yet, the question for many is how to do so when you feel blocked or exhausted, even stuck in the mud by current events and those of recent years.

For what you focus on is what you become.

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We Are At A Transition Point, This New Moon Lights Your Path 💥

We Are At A Transition Point, This New Moon Lights Your Path 💥

The new moon on 10th March marks a transition point. It is the last of five consecutive new moons with both the sun and moon at 20°. In this instance in Pisces, the last sign of the zodiac.

Since November 2023 humanity has been provided with 2020 vision, its eyes being opened as to the truth.

It will have a more powerful effect than usual on our emotions and psyches.

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This Full Moon Is Calling You To Be Human and Spirit😅

This Full Moon Is Calling You To Be Human and Spirit😅

Recent conversations have indicated simultaneous awareness about being human and spirit, vulnerable and strong, wounded and healed. Helping each to become aware of who they are, their next steps and where their boundaries lie.

The combination of Chiron and the North node, brings a unique opportunity to understand how your deepest wound – and its healing, aligns with the broader context of your soul´s desires.

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Can You Find The Revelation Needed To Create The New You? ⬆️

Can You Find The Revelation Needed To Create The New You? ⬆️

The astrology from 4th February until the new moon in Aquarius on the 9th indicates a significant period for personal and collective revelation.

Providing an indicator of what Pluto’s 20 year journey through Aquarius will bring.

A moment for re-awakening with new dreams and exciting new plans, personally and collectively.

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To Transform Your Life You Need To First Know Yourself 🌄

To Transform Your Life You Need To First Know Yourself 🌄

To know yourself is probably the most important ability you can possess. Furthermore, this gift of self-knowledge is essential in terms of navigating calmly the current turmoil.

Only when you know who you are will you finally know where you and your unique abilities, gifts and skills fit into all of Creation.

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Are You Bold Enough To Allow Your Light To Be Seen?😌

Are You Bold Enough To Allow Your Light To Be Seen?😌

The first full moon of 2024 provides support for your journey into the unknown that is emerging.

The bravery and boldness of Leo are calling you to allow your inner light to shine brightly for all to see.

This is a moment to shine, to roar with confidence, and step into the life you have always sensed, though never dared to believe you would live.

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Do You Know Who Are You And What You Need To Clear?😇

Do You Know Who Are You And What You Need To Clear?😇

For me, 2024 started with a rush of requests to help clear chronic pain and dis-comfort.

All were messages that parts of the body wanted to be heard and seen, so action could be taken to empower it to be healthy.

2024 is about allowing us to release what is no longer working.

This new energy is calling us to look within ourselves.

Doing the inner work, will initiate a shift in your external world.

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Your Inspired Ideas Are About To Change To Create Entrepreneurial Success 👉 

Your Inspired Ideas Are About To Change To Create Entrepreneurial Success 👉 

Something in your life is about to change - ready to embrace it? Whilst these past few weeks have seemed calmer, much has been changing in the deeper layers. Tomorrow Jupiter, the Benefic planet of growth, expansion, recognition and abundance, enters the grounded...

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This Solar Eclipse Will Shake Up Your Life – Ready To Create All You Desire?😋

This Solar Eclipse Will Shake Up Your Life – Ready To Create All You Desire?😋

Society evolves as we evolve   Something special is taking place in the skies tomorrow — a total solar eclipse on the Aries new moon. This eclipse is a rare 1 in 10 year hybrid version. Which means, depending on your viewing location, it is both a total...

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Rarely Will You Hear The Whole Truth  

Rarely Will You Hear The Whole Truth  

Old patterns of behaviour running and ruining your life? Ready to change them? My hope is this post finds you focusing on your wellness and strengthening your resilience. These past weeks a spiral pattern has been re-appearing in my own life as well of those around me...

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Do You Still Want To Play A Part In Creating A New Earth?

Do You Still Want To Play A Part In Creating A New Earth?

Whilst one person alone cannot change the world, the Aquarius full moon on the 22nd was a reminder every single person can, and does, have to play a part in creating collective change.

Seeking to retain the status quo rather than moving on will come back to haunt you as pain and dis-comfort somewhere in the body.

Aquarius is a radical zodiac sign, an Air sign which is always pushing the boundaries and invariably challenging the status quo.

In numerology, September is a nine. It represents transitions and endings, the last stage before a new cycle of creation begins.

Do you recognise this situation – a strong battle between growth versus restrictions? A push for progress from Jupiter with a stern focus on limitations from Saturn.

The astrology of 2021 is teaching us about the need to change in order to evolve.

The cycle of the Pluto, Saturn, Jupiter conjunction in December 2020 marked the end of one cycle and birth of the new paradigm that is being created. In simple terms, the era of control moving to one of collaboration.

Various planets return over the years to early 2025 – suggesting a rolling period of transformation. The most intense period being around October 2023 before Pluto settles in Aquarius in January 2024.

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Where Is This Process Of Transition Leading Us? Who Might We Become?

Where Is This Process Of Transition Leading Us? Who Might We Become?

We are all passing through the process of transition even though unsure as to the direction. Spiritual awakening is not just the goal of spiritual practice. It is the ultimate possibility for humanity.

The very process of transition will take you beyond who you thought you were. It will give you a direct experience of who you are beyond the mind. This is a part of you your mind can never know.

It can create a deep sense of fear or even dread. This is an inevitable moment all of us in the process of transition have to face. Known as The Dark Night of the Soul, to me when it appears is a good sign.

As a shaman my calling is to bring harmony between Father Sky, Mother Earth and humanity. Yet looking back at the scientific and industrial revolutions, it is clear there was an idea that arose in the West by which mankind sought to emancipate itself from Spirit.

This created the belief it is human beings equipped with reason who are able to provide the prescriptive structure for society and its practices. Which can only achieved through rational decision-making.

Our modern world has been built on the concept the rational human being has a near-god-like capacity for accurate reasoning. This as we know is far from the case!

Realising this mis-alignment, the 21st-century is experiencing a global resurgence in seeking to re-connect to Spirit.

. When Adam Smith published The Wealth of Nations in 1776, it embodied a view of people as workers or producers. Value was created by the labour of human beings – hence the current identification of being human is centred on work and employment.

The 20th century saw the focus on humans expand beyond work and production to encompass consumption.

Hence the question of “Who might we become?” This the rational mind cannot answer, for it only has memories of what has been experienced. It is the sensitivity of the intuitive connection which can provide insights as to what is emerging from the process of transition.

Relax, unwind and enjoy the moment. This is the essence of who we are becoming, not the doing.

This will assist you to make your soul connection, to free you to share your unique gifts.

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Lion´s Gate – Feel The Embrace Of Eternal Life And Infinite Possibilities?

Lion´s Gate – Feel The Embrace Of Eternal Life And Infinite Possibilities?

The Lion´s Gate transition we are all experiencing is reflecting in the state of flux we see around us with its flow of the unexpected. Being in the process of leaving one state and preparing for the new is also evident in the planets.

Today 8th August we are at the mid-point between the unusual two consecutive full moons in Aquarius – the sign of our new age.

In numerology eight is known as the number of balance and harmony. It also represents infinity, the mathematical symbol for a number greater than any assigned number – i.e. anything that can be foreseen.

The new moon in Leo on 8th August has one major planetary aspect, a challenging alignment with the ongoing square between Saturn and Uranus.

Leo governs the heart, and the powerful square from the Sun and Moon to Uranus symbolises tremendous change and upheaval.

Everything is the way it is, and everything is in constant change.

Nothing is going to remain the same.

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You Sense Something Is Coming, How Will It Bring Joy Into Your Life? 💪

You Sense Something Is Coming, How Will It Bring Joy Into Your Life? 💪

Have you felt a sense of intensity building these past few weeks, something is coming yet unsure what?

The unusual dreams of my early mornings have continued, as has this sense of change is underway. Whilst the direction is still shrouded in mist, this post has some further insights as to what I sense is emerging.

I am reminded this phase in our evolution is setting the stage for the next 20 years. Have you begun writing the next chapter in your life? This is what each of us is being asked to do during this last part of 2021.

For some it will mean a complete change of direction, others just a tweak to the sails.

What is emerging internally and what you value maybe at odds with existing social norms and structures.

Each of us is being asked to be our first domino.

We are here to play a specific part in the matrix of evolution that is unfolding. When we fail to take our place or hide or disconnect from the part, it affects the entire matrix.

No matter how successful we may seem, when there is no alignment we feel pain and dis-comfort. A sense there is more to life, yet know not what.

The actions you take during this Cancer moon will culminate at the full moon on 18th December 2021.

July overall has a sense of yearning to be in Nature and enjoy home cooked food using seasonal produce. Especially, to connect personally.

This period of transformation lasts until 2024. In particular in our relationship to the structures of power and authority. This applies both internally and externally – our social contract as well as your own business/enterprise.

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Have Your Dreams Been Unusual? Do You Remember Any Of Them? 😒

Have Your Dreams Been Unusual? Do You Remember Any Of Them? 😒

These past few weeks my early mornings seem to have been filled by unusual dreams. Vivid because of their oddity.

There have also been nights when sleep seems to have passed me by, yet I do not feel tired the next day. Just feeling unsettled, ungrounded or a little unstable. All simply signs there is something looking to be unlocked.

The purpose? To access deeper dreams than the ones we have allowed ourselves to believe. Those not limited by the beliefs and patterns we have inherited.

1st July brings a capricious last quarter moon indicating we are at a crossroads of transition and evolution. Illuminating the actions needed to achieve your dreams as well as the need to slow down to ensure nothing is overlooked or passed by.

Mars makes three transits as July begins.

That of Mars squaring Uranus allows us to act on our inspiration.

As we begin the second half of 2021, this is the month to speak, share or create that passion, project or something your dreams are about.

Our cosmic messenger, Mercury, shifts gears three times in July. The first is on the 7th when the post-shadow phase of the retrograde completes. Meaning we will feel the pace of life quicken afterwards. Encouraging us to take action on our dreams.

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Creative Energy Is Flowing – Have You Heard Your Wake Up Call? 😷

Creative Energy Is Flowing – Have You Heard Your Wake Up Call? 😷

An immense creative energy was ushered in by June´s new moon and solar eclipse in Gemini. Meaning you may have felt restless, malnourished, disappointed, unfulfilled. These are reminders for you to pay attention to wake up calls for you to take action.

Each of us is being asked to try new things, move in a new direction, seek those greener pastures. Your evolution depends on it.

Hence the need to notice what is no longer serving you.

To release any attachment to how things have been can bring up fear and resistance. Often appearing as self-sabotage, illness, procrastination and feelings of doubt and guilt.

This eclipse in Gemini was a key player on the path of your soul´s evolution.

Allow yourself to re-define who you are. Then the lifestyle that matches your values, so feeding your heart and soul.

Until there is balance between duty and freedom expect more conflict with people regarding rules imposed on you.

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Want A Gateway To Your Higher Wisdom? Let Go Of Old Habits And Patterns 😎

Want A Gateway To Your Higher Wisdom? Let Go Of Old Habits And Patterns 😎

The theme of those making contact or visiting us in 2021 has been seeking to open a gateway to their higher wisdom. They all have a sense there is more to life than they have experienced so far.

The next three years will be intense as we experience the emotion of the current re-structuring. Our willingness to feel compassion, joy and love and express our truth will determine our experience of these years.

26th May brought the largest supermoon of 2021. It was also the first one since 2019, with the next one rising in 2022.
This was the penultimate eclipse in Sagittarius — the final one being the total solar eclipse in December 2021.

What is revealed will⁠ help you complete a karmic cycle. Sagittarius governs your ideals and future visions.

What you once held true may no longer be relevant. As you elevate your mind, your intentions will change.⁠ ⁠The opportunity is to be open to the growth that is available to us when we open a gateway to higher wisdom.

Once the old is released, it will create the space to explore and view the greater span of your inner wisdom.

To access our higher wisdom will expand the horizon of how each of us is of service. From this learning will flow new ways of living.

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The Next Six Months Are For You To Create Your Sustainable Life 😃

The Next Six Months Are For You To Create Your Sustainable Life 😃

You have the power to shape your own sustainable life. Envision how you want your life to be, though never limit yourself to conventional ideas of “success” – instead imagine beyond the horizon.

A dreamy and rebellious new moon in Taurus will help you do so.

Having a vision for creating a sustainable life means trusting the path of change. Tapping into the changes that need to take place, not just in the world around you, especially inside you.

This Taurus moon is seeking to ensure you connect with your authentic self, dream big and rebel against counter-productive social expectations. That is the way to create your sustainable life.

Create space for you over the coming weeks, if not longer. The amount of change underway is tiring.

This moon heralds a new lunar cycle of creation in which to build your idea from the intangible into the real.

There are also several positive boosts for entrepreneurs during May.

My question to you is what belief are you holding that is keeping you from realising your vision?

Creativity, compassion and soulful growth is amplified when Jupiter is in Pisces. We therefore have August to December to prepare the ground for ourselves and those we connect with for the 2022 shake up.

23rd May Saturn goes retrograde. During it you will be forced to stop to reassess an area of your life that is not working as well as it could be.

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Your Vision For The Future Means Trusting The Path Of Change  😍

Your Vision For The Future Means Trusting The Path Of Change 😍

In many ways we are stepping onto a new path of change. We have moved into a period where consciousness itself is evolving. Which means as our beings are changing, so do our physical, emotional, mental and spiritual bodies.

There is a vision you have for the future which trusts the path of change. Tapping into the changes underway, not just in the world around you, those also within you.

Often it seems we have to fall apart before we can rebuild ourselves. Which is why so many are afraid of walking along the path of change.
Especially as before a new chapter can fully begin, the old one must be finished.
Whatever is underway is opening you to a deeper place of self-trust that will support you in living your soul´s mission. Fulfilling the role you have to play in humanity’s evolution.

What you view as your career and life are being pushed to new limits, whilst your boundaries, restrictions and responsibilities are redefined.

The energy of the last day of April focuses attention on what is stuck in our lives. Leading us to a path of change which creates something sustainable and permanent.

May is a powerful 10 Universal month. As the wheel of fortune it brings abundance as well as progress and advancement.

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The Tipping Point Of Change Is Looming, Are You Ready To Act? 😃

The Tipping Point Of Change Is Looming, Are You Ready To Act? 😃

Humanity is approaching a tipping point in its evolution. Does the speed of change we are all experiencing excite you? It does me as the fog of the chaos of transition begins to clear.

In seeking to make sense of the transition which is underway I was guided to review two models to create some form from the current swirling mists.

According to the Toltec/Aztec calendar, which describes larger cycles of time than the Mayan, humanity has been in a transition since July 1991. This was the moment the shift from the Fifth to the Sixth “Sun” began.

2021 is the year the Sixth Sun energies become the major influence.

Guidance says there is no limit to the level of consciousness humanity can create during this period. Hence it is not a question of waiting for others to make Mother Earth a better place.

Rather each of us needs to be our own leader. To make the change through our own actions, not waiting for others to act and then we follow.

And the nature of the next stage in human evolution that is looming?
My answer is to look to the energy centres of humanity, its chakras. An overview of each of the seven prime ones is in my story “How To Live A Life Of Harmony”

The flow from chakra to chakra for me is an essential part of the rhythm of human evolution. Though it does not mean the chakras of each person align with that of humanity. Far from it, each of has our own journey and so issues represented by our chakras to address.

Are you ready to act to assist humanity pass the next tipping point to reach the permanent state of consciousness of the Sixth Sun?

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Have You Committed Consciously To Your New Direction? 😊

Have You Committed Consciously To Your New Direction? 😊

A new direction is appearing in your life, a deep impulse, a strong inner desire to walk your truth, own your light and break free from any restraints of family or social conditioning.

Do you feel the push to take that leap of faith in a new direction? This flows from our April new moon being in the first sign of the zodiac – Aries. A fire sign it always seeks transformation.

Aries is saying do not overthink, unduly question the impulse or just dip your toe in to test the waters. The message is now is the moment and make the leap a big one – just do it.

People often perceive the energy of Aries as being all about planning new objectives and fiery ambition. This new moon though is about something much simpler – centring you in the present moment.

he commitment we make today creates our world of tomorrow. Making this the ideal period to move inward and really challenge your inner story.

Remember, when we want to create anything new in our external world we are also becoming someone new in our internal world.

Hesitation is caused by our deep aversion to a transformation which we do not control and have no certainty as to the outcome.

Alternatively commitments have the power to create, to change, to activate.

Old identities and ways of being are being shifted.

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Ready To Grasp A Rare Opportunity To Instigate Lasting Change? 🤔

Ready To Grasp A Rare Opportunity To Instigate Lasting Change? 🤔

All souls reach out to grasp the experiences they are seeking. This is how each soul meets its objective of continual expansion. Either an event to do so “appears” or, challenges are created which do so.

Both represent opportunities to experience some of the greatest spiritual growth possible.

To me simple actions are becoming more influential in the way we allow ourselves to grow.


Because humanity is on a path to leave the complexity created by the mind for the simplicity of the soul.

Now is one of the moments in human evolution to identify all those actions you have been putting off. In Tarot, the symbol is breaking the Tower we have built to restrain ourselves.

Many I have spoken to admit their life has been a series of flights from addressing their inner wounds. In essence it felt too painful to do so. Their Lifeguard, their unconscious mind viewing it as “safer” to run than address the wound.

Whether you are ready to grasp the opportunity to initiate the lasting change your soul is yearning for is your choice. As it is to face your shadow work. Either way, will reveal much about you, and the direction you are heading.

This will help you learn how to put your needs first and courageously pursue your own objectives, not those of others. That is how you will serve yourself rather than just pleasing yourself.

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Are You Here To Live A Happy, Rich And Complete Life? 😌

Are You Here To Live A Happy, Rich And Complete Life? 😌

This new moon in Pisces is reminding each of us we are here to be happy, rich and complete.

It symbolises a spiritual re-birth. Re-emphasised again when only seven days later on 20th March there is the equinox. The moment of equal light and dark as the seasons switch.

For your intentions to take form, you need to connect with your heart, and channel the power of your imagination.⁠⁠

How do you then feel about the direction you are heading?⁠⁠ Do you even have a sense of where it is taking you? Then make your choice as to which path to take for your re-birth.

In doing so you are choosing to exercise your power to create the freedom you desire in your life.

During this transformation period of human history, 2017 to 2024, more people are going to feel they understand why they are here now. And understand what they are here to create.

21st March brings the first quarter moon. It is all about forward movement, spontaneity, and heartfelt communication as a catalyst for change in our lives. There is a theme to take action, giving you the power needed to erase old mental blocks and counterproductive behaviours restraining you.

Though the next three or four months will feel lighter, expect the issue of power and its exercise to emerge. This will be an ongoing conversation as a people about power, control and freedom within society, in our lives and within the systems that we have. It is going to be a messy and difficult conversation until 2024.

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7 Habits You Need For Your Business To Succeed 😃

7 Habits You Need For Your Business To Succeed 😃

Just starting your business or contemplating doing so, please do so for it to succeed.

Already started your business the habits will help you remove the roadblocks you keep hitting stopping you accelerating it.

Be aware successful entrepreneurship requires a high level of commitment and tenacity, the ability to keep the faith even when the going seems rough, a willingness to embrace constant challenges, and a love of learning.

All entrepreneurs have faced obstacles, mostly because they believe they must work really hard for what they earn and trading your hours for money is the only way to do it.

I have experienced many of these obstacles, which is how I arrived at these 7 Habits for your business to succeed. They were not copied from my MBA studies, rather my own experience and those of my clients.

The additional best way to guarantee your business will thrive is that you genuinely help your clients to improve their lives.

You do well by helping your clients do well. That is how you have an impact on the world as a whole.

Which means if you truly want to succeed, you take responsibility for everything your business does.

The power of living the 7 Habits is they will create a truly sustainable approach to business.

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Let Your Genius Set You Free To Live Your Life 👉

Let Your Genius Set You Free To Live Your Life 👉

The full moon in Virgo on the 27th is encouraging you to use your genius to be of service to something greater. How can you be a vehicle for a bigger purpose such as caring, compassion, love, or Spirit?

It is here to give you the courage to flow with new circumstances and new realities; to engage with the future from a place of curiosity and optimism.

Should your physical, emotional, mental, or spiritual bodies start to send the message of pain and dis-comfort, listen to it. Then ask what is the purpose of the message and make the change.

When we stay present we can absorb smaller bits of life to digest. This eases some of the pressure you might be experiencing in especially your digestive system. The simpler you make your life, the more digestible it becomes.

Virgo energy is working together with Pisces to help us embody and fulfil a bigger picture that gives meaning and purpose to each of our lives.

Guard against keeping anything in your environment you have had for a long time unless you truly love it.

the personal message at the moment is self-care.

Mercury´s retrograde shadow disappears on the 13th as the new moon in Pisces rises. Pisces is a creative dreamer.

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To Lead A SUSTAINABLE Life Is To Be Connected 😂

To Lead A SUSTAINABLE Life Is To Be Connected 😂

Whilst the word sustainability has come to be associated with the environment, its root sustainable has a broader meaning.

In essence it refers to action taken to sustain the underlying pattern of health, resilience, and adaptability that maintain something such as our life in a condition where it continues to flourish.

For change to be sustainable it is essential we are grateful for every aspect of our life we have around us. No matter how large or small. When we do not express appreciation, how can we expect to receive more?

Using your intuition will always guide you TOWARDS where your soul intends you to be. Your soul can then guide you to accelerate your life.

Each of us is part of the Creator, therefore why not utilise this broader awareness? There are no exceptions, it is available to us all.

We live in a world where we are constantly bombarded by data of one form or another appealing to rationality. Therefore it is understandable many find it a challenge to even ponder on listening to their intuition.

Included are 7 SOULIAM exercises to help you improve your connection.

Because the messages of our intuition tend to be subtle, many conditions interfere with our ability to notice them. The main ones are distractions and focusing your listening on your mind chatter. Included is a list of some of the most common factors that create internal conflict and so block our intuition.

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Are You Living Your DESIRE Or, Is Destiny Directing Your Life? 😃

Are You Living Your DESIRE Or, Is Destiny Directing Your Life? 😃

Have you ever wondered if not questioned: “what is your destiny in this life?” Perhaps even been curious about why you are here on Mother Earth and if your desires fit with your purpose?

Life appears to be complicated, yet at its deeper essence is absolutely simple.

Our soul´s desire and passion is to evolve, grow and release. This is how we accelerate our life.

Do you believe it is your personal desire which influences events and their outcomes? Or that forces external to you are responsible for everything?

Nothing can be achieved in all aspects of life unless it is first created by a strong desire for it.

The choice we face is to expand and evolve or we choose to sleep.

And to find your Desire? Here are five different ways to enable you to do so.

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Do You Really Want To RESIST Change In Your Life? 😋

Do You Really Want To RESIST Change In Your Life? 😋

Are you one of those people who actively seeks out change or resist it?

We are hardwired to resist change. Part of the brain—the amygdala—interprets change as a threat and releases the hormones for fear, fight, or flight.

Change is a complex beast.

The reason we usually resist change normally comes down to one emotion – fear. Specifically, fear of the unknown. Even with reams of information and analysis, many aspects cannot be predicted. This makes it scary to choose. The inner critic goes into overdrive.

Only its definition of safety is based on what the unconscious mind has recorded as an experience. Hence why I refer to it as our Lifeguard.

Doing so denies your soul the opportunity to gain new experiences. This internal conflict is usually experienced as pain and dis-comfort.

My experience is that by focusing on three aspects, we can overcome the psychological costs of change. Enabling us to break the chains holding us in the past.

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Why Is Taking ACTION So Hard For Me? 😋

Why Is Taking ACTION So Hard For Me? 😋

Most people are completely unsure of their current direction. This alone creates movement in their lives.

Many though mistake being in motion for taking action.

When in motion, you are planning, strategising and learning. You are pulling together different strands to make something coherent and provide clarity.

However, they do not produce a result.

On the other hand, action, is the type of behaviour that will deliver your desired outcome. Without action nothing will be created.

Most of us are past masters at avoiding criticism. We are not prepared to believe we could fail or to be judged publicly. With the result we tend to avoid situations where that might happen.

Over the years I have applied many different strategies for taking action. Knowing that until I do the outcomes I am seeking will never materialise.

I have also come to realise many of our failures to take action are intentional.
We fail to do so because our unconscious mind, our Lifeguard has decided it is not safe to take action.

Included are seven steps to help you take action.

seek to take action quickly and then look for the lesson it provides.

Learning it builds confidence and courage. Reinforcing the habit you are building to take action.

That is how you take responsibility for your life.

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Are You WILLING To Create Your Life? 😂

Are You WILLING To Create Your Life? 😂

Over the past few weeks a consistent theme has been appearing in conversations. Though in several different forms, the essence is the same.

“Are you willing to change?”

For many this has never seemed to be an option.

Which leads most to the biggest struggle they have – the battle with their own mind and its negative patterns.

Yes, I have been there. A repetitive thought pattern being stuck in a negative loop and continuing to cycle until it burns out.

Often it feels as though someone is hijacking your mind and you are now just a bystander watching your life unfold.

We know change is underway, yet all too often we follow the ostrich with its head in the sand rather than be the eagle flying high.

Are you willing to change your beliefs and patterns of behaviour to do so? To leave yesteryear for your unknown destination?

Your dream is not a future event. It is TODAY. It is NOW. It is created by your actions in the moment. This is the essence of the process of creation.

So now you know the secret. There is nothing to wait for. Begin to build your dream now in anticipation this is creating an extraordinary new life.

No matter how big or how small, your dreams are essential to enjoying this life to its full potential.

The next step is to begin to identify the reasons WHY you are stuck in neutral.

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Have You The OPPORTUNITY To Create Your Dreams? 😂

Have You The OPPORTUNITY To Create Your Dreams? 😂

Have you ever wondered why so much “wishing” rather than opportunity is woven into the fabric of our society?

At first glance, this tradition seems harmless, even charming.

These beliefs also have a subtle, limiting effect, unconsciously training us to believe our opportunity and fate are subject to the whim of “something other than ourselves”.

No matter how big or how small, your dreams are essential to enjoying this life.

Only you have the opportunity to create these dreams.

My intent is to provide you with the opportunity to identify what is stopping you from accelerating your life and establishing it as you desire.

Five different ways are set out to enable you to realise your Opportunity. There is also a Daily Action to help you do so.

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Take Stock Of Your Life Now, Have No Regrets When You Die 😂

Take Stock Of Your Life Now, Have No Regrets When You Die 😂

By applying the 7 steps in my TOWARDS process. You begin by you Taking Stock of where you are. The three different aspects to help you TAKE STOCK of your life I have called IBS — Irritable Bowel Syndrome.


Because nothing will change unless you choose to exercise your power to make the exchange, it is felt in the solar plexus. One of the messages indicating a poor flow of energy to create momentum in your life is IBS.

Once you complete all three aspects you have initiated the process of change you desire.

The month long Sun in Scorpio began on 22nd October has as its purpose to initiate your own legacy. Scorpio represents our deepest psychological, sexual, and innermost

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Want To Accelerate Your Life? Know What You Need To Head TOWARDS!

Want To Accelerate Your Life? Know What You Need To Head TOWARDS!

Fed up with the hand life seems to be dealing you? Want to accelerate your life yet no idea what to do?

Most people sense change is in the air, though fear stops almost all from taking action.

Fears will always show you what could go wrong and pull you away from something. Your intuition on the other hand will always guide you TOWARDS where your soul intends you to be.
It is only your soul that can accelerate your life. Applying each of the 7 steps in my TOWARDS process will help you do so.

What I have discovered is that when we pass responsibility to others, we hand over our power to lead our lives the way we desire. Which means we move even further away from our soul´s own desires.

What is the result? Usually more pain and discomfort somewhere in the mind body spirit.

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Interview By Daniel Hanneman of The Spiritual Rockstar Show

My recent interview by Daniel Hanneman for his Spiritual Rockstar show has been released. In it I shared my journey of awakening and becoming a Shaman to support CEOs. To help them see far more expanded results for their life and work.

Toward the end of the interview I was guided to provide a sample of my work with the host. Daniel commented on its power. It will benefit all that tune into to partake of the magic of this transformation process.

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